Search Results for: Health


Natural remedies and diet for Meniere’s disease

Meniere’s disease is an inner ear disorder that leads to attacks of vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss (which can progress into permanent), tinnitus, and the feeling of fullness or pressure in the ears. Meniere’s disease mainly affects one ear rather than both. The onset of Meniere’s disease usually takes place between the ages of 20 and here to read more

Causes of low HDL cholesterol levels

HDL cholesterol is known as the good type of cholesterol, as it clears up LDL (bad) cholesterol and works to lower your risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions. When HDL cholesterol is low, your heart disease risk goes up because of LDL cholesterol buildup in the arteries, which makes them stiff and clogged, here to read more

Stroke risk may be predicted with a blood test

A blood test of the future may be able to predict a person’s risk of stroke. Canadian researchers measured levels of blood-borne chemical signals (biomarkers) in the blood of over 3,200 people. The participants were tracked for nine years on average. Over the course of the study period, 98 of them suffered a stroke. The here to read more

Coffee cravings may be in your DNA

A new study has found that your DNA could be responsible for your coffee cravings. The researchers analyzed genetic data from over 1,200 people in Italy who had to report how much coffee they consume throughout the day. The researchers found that those with a gene variant PDSS2 drank on average one cup less a here to read more

Risk of early death goes up because of this

When we talk about women’s health, we almost inevitably touch upon the subject of menopause. Although many women may be relieved they don’t have to experience their monthly period any longer, menopause comes with its own set of unpleasant symptoms, too. And hot flashes, night sweats, and hormonal fluctuations aside, menopause is also believed to here to read more


Testosterone and its effect on cholesterol

Testosterone is a male sex hormone made in the testes. It supports strength and sex drive, stimulates sperm production and sexual function, but it can also affect cholesterol levels. Testosterone and cholesterol share similar chemical structures – both are steroids – and play important roles in the body. Present in the outer membrane of every here to read more

Ulcerative colitis and the impact of alcohol

Ulcerative colitis – a type of inflammatory bowel disease – can be aggravated by alcohol, which has been found to worsen the symptoms. There are a number of negative effects of alcohol on anyone, regardless of their colitis diagnosis. A known depressant, alcohol slows down functions in the body, such as speech or movement. The here to read more

Corneal ulcer causes, signs, and symptoms

A corneal ulcer is an open sore on the cornea, which is the clear part of the eye covering the iris and the round pupil. There are many different causes of corneal ulcers. If not taken care of, the condition can lead to lasting problems, including loss of vision or complete blindness. Majority of corneal here to read more

Twins live longer than single-born people

Twins have been found to have a longer lifespan than single-born people, and the research says their higher survival rates may have to do with the close social bond they share. The study was based on data from over 2,900 same-sex twins, compared to the general Danish population. At every age, identical twins had higher here to read more
