Search Results for: Health


Twins live longer than single-born people

Twins have been found to have a longer lifespan than single-born people, and the research says their higher survival rates may have to do with the close social bond they share. The study was based on data from over 2,900 same-sex twins, compared to the general Danish population. At every age, identical twins had higher here to read more

Lethal fungal infection found in wind instruments

The researchers have concluded that the cause of death of a British bagpipe player is a lethal fungal infection found in wind instruments. According to the experts, the moist environment inside wind instruments is actually a perfect breeding ground for fungal and mold growth. When inhaled regularly, it can lead to chronic lung condition known here to read more

The surprising factor shortening your life

A strong heart, a healthy diet, and a daily walk or jog are some of the fundamentals of a long, healthy life. But there is yet another aspect you could be overlooking – your mood. Happiness, sadness, anger, and joy are just some of the many emotions we may experience. We may not pay that here to read more

Causes of ear popping when swallowing

Most people may recall experiencing ear popping when swallowing at least once in their lifetime. Although not a serious problem, it definitely can be an annoying one. Generally, ear popping is your ears’ way of trying to relieve pressure. Although there are some serious causes for ear popping – such as damage to the inner here to read more

Tinnitus treatment with hearing aids

Tinnitus – ringing in the ear – can be addressed with the use of hearing aids. Tinnitus is more common among people with hearing impairment, compared to those with normal hearing, with rates between 70 and 85 percent among those with hearing problems, compared to only 10 to 15 percent for those with normal hearing. here to read more

Eye disease, such as diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration, could be treated with gene therapy in a droplet: Study

Eye disease, such as diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration, could be treated with gene therapy in a droplet. Traditional treatment for diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration involves injecting the treatment, but the newer research offers another option: administering the treatment topically. Many eye diseases develop at the back of the eye, which makes here to read more


Diverticulitis surgery in early uncomplicated cases is common despite recommendations to delay elective colon resection: Study

Diverticulitis surgery after a few uncomplicated episodes appears to be common despite recommendations to delay elective colon resection. The researchers examined patterns of diverticulitis episodes prior to surgery along with factors associated with early intervention based on inpatient, outpatient, and antibiotic prescription claims. Despite recommendations to delay elective colon resection, it still appeared to be here to read more

Female urologists scarce in light of growing demand

A new study has found there are too few female urologists to meet the growing demand. Female patients often prefer a female urologist, but unfortunately this particular medical field still remains dominated by males. An urologist specialized in the urinary tract system and male reproductive system health, but women are referred to see an urologist here to read more

Eye floaters – causes, symptoms, and treatment

Eye floaters are spots moving through your field of vision. They may appear black or grey, stringy or cobweb-like, they may move, drift, or dart when you move your eyes. Many eye floaters are brought on by age-related changes in the eyes – for example, when the jellylike substance of the eye becomes liquefied. If here to read more

Keratoconus (corneal disease) treatment with corneal crosslinking shows promise: Study

Keratoconus, corneal disease, treatment with corneal crosslinking shows promise. A new light-based technique that selectively stiffens tissue in the cornea may aid in treating keratoconus, which is caused by weakened corneal muscles. A condition that causes vision distortion, keratoconus develops when the round cornea becomes thin and cone shaped. This abnormal change prevents the light here to read more
