Search Results for: Health


Kidney disease risk higher in postmenopausal women undergoing long-term estrogen treatment

Kidney disease risk increases in postmenopausal women undergoing long-term estrogen treatment. Estrogen is known to offer protective effects against high blood pressure, but as the estrogen levels decrease after menopause the benefits decrease as well. The researchers bred rats to mimic gender-specific blood pressure differences commonly observed in humans to determine whether hormone therapy negatively here to read more

Yoga injuries are on the rise

Although rare, serious yoga injuries seem to be on the rise. This is due to the fact that more Americans are partaking in yoga which is reflected in the higher rate of injury. Between 2001 and 2014, nearly 30,000 Americans were sent to the emergency room for yoga-related injuries, including sprains and fractures. With this here to read more

Sunlight may boost immune system’s T cells

Natural sunlight exposure is associated with various health benefits, but latest findings suggest it can also help boost infection-fighting T cells of your immune system. T cells play an important role in the immune system functioning and warding off infection, and now researchers uncovered how sunlight can boost their activity. Senior investigator Gerard Ahern explained, here to read more

Increasing rates of melanoma seen in the U.S.

Melanoma – skin cancer – rates are climbing in the U.S., according to latest research findings. This year’s estimates for melanoma cases are at one in every 54 Americans. In 2009, it was estimated at one in every 58. Overall, it was estimated that 76,380 people will be diagnosed with melanoma in 2016. Dr. Alex here to read more


Common drugs send more patients to the doctor: Study

Commonly used drugs contribute to more doctor visits and hospital visits, according to research findings. Anticholinergic medications commonly used by older adults have been found to be linked with an increase in hospital, doctor, and emergency room visits. Drugs with anticholinergic properties are often prescribed for chronic conditions including depression, anxiety, pain, allergy, incontinence, or here to read more
