Search Results for: Health


Psoriasis symptoms reduced with weight loss

A new study suggests that weight loss may help reduce psoriasis symptoms. The study included 60 obese psoriasis-affected participants who lost 15 kg on average over the course of 16 weeks. After a one-year follow-up, those who maintained their weight at least 10 kg below their weight at baseline also experienced a reduction in psoriasis here to read more

Improved hearing test detects hidden hearing loss

A new test has been developed for detecting hidden hearing loss. Hidden hearing loss cannot be diagnosed traditionally as standard hearing tests show normal or near-normal results. Many patients are told their hearing is fine, and yet their hearing quality is less than perfect. Leslie R. Bernstein who conducted the study explained, “We now have here to read more

Non-invasive diagnostic test for Alzheimer’s disease shows promise

A non-invasive method to diagnose Alzheimer’s disease has shown promise in detecting the condition early on. The researchers developed a technology that can identify the pathological oligomeric forms of brain tau proteins in blood platelets of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. They uncovered that pathological forms of tau proteins correlate with decreased here to read more

6 signs that your liver is in trouble

Liver health is often overlooked, but it really shouldn’t be. The liver is responsible for over 500 different functions, and when it’s unhealthy, our overall health is affected as well. Unfortunately, the symptoms of a liver problem aren’t as clear-cut as the signs of other ailments. While aching stiff joints may indicate a joint problem, here to read more


Changes in the brain’s pain and posture-processing regions linked to undiagnosable long-term whiplash symptoms

Whiplash is the most common injury in motor vehicle collisions. While symptoms typically include neck pain, neck stiffness, dizziness, and headaches, some experts now suggest that changes in the brain’s pain and posture-processing regions may be linked to long-term whiplash-like symptoms that have gone undiagnosed. Many people suffer from whiplash injuries and receive quick diagnosis here to read more

Exercise best for Parkinson’s disease patients

A new study has confirmed that any type of exercise is beneficial for Parkinson’s disease patients. It may be difficult for Parkinson’s disease patients to exercise, but many experts in the field suggest that exercise can have long-term benefits for them. Parkinson’s disease is characterized by a loss of dopamine, which can contribute to a here to read more

Kidney disease risk higher in postmenopausal women undergoing long-term estrogen treatment

Kidney disease risk increases in postmenopausal women undergoing long-term estrogen treatment. Estrogen is known to offer protective effects against high blood pressure, but as the estrogen levels decrease after menopause the benefits decrease as well. The researchers bred rats to mimic gender-specific blood pressure differences commonly observed in humans to determine whether hormone therapy negatively here to read more
