Search Results for: smoking


Avoid these foods if you have joint pain

Our diet can have a large influence on how we feel. Certain foods can upset our stomachs, others affect our mood, and some can make our joint pain worse. Some foods work to reduce inflammation, bringing you some relief from your joint pain. On the other hand, others trigger inflammation and will cause your joints here to read more

Common habits that cause varicose veins

Varicose veins are those unsightly blue veins that run up and down your leg. As you age, you may notice more and more of them developing. Although they’re not usually dangerous, they are embarrassing and prevent you from wearing shorts or skirts. There are many causes of varicose veins including genetics, age, and even pregnancy. here to read more

Nicotine levels in cigarettes may be reduced: FDA

In an attempt to make cigarettes less addictive, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed lowering nicotine levels. Furthermore, the FDA has suggested improving the safety of nicotine products such as gums and patches. Additionally, the FDA is delaying implementation of last year’s rules regarding cigars and e-cigarettes, which are on the market here to read more

10 Natural Antacids to Help With Heartburn & Better Digestion

Nothing can destroy a pleasant dining experience faster than an uncomfortable case of heartburn.  While most people reach for over-the-counter remedies or prescription medications to reduce the discomfort caused by heartburn, these often only offer temporary relief, and chronic use of these drugs can lead to other health problems in the long-term. As a safer here to read more

Why it’s so important to have your hearing checked

Hearing loss can make day-to-day life quite challenging. It can impair your ability to enjoy your favorite song, watch your favorite television show, and hold a conversation. People with hearing loss may try and avoid social settings due to the difficulty they face hearing and understanding those around them. As a result, they may feel here to read more


How long does heartburn last? Quick relief tips

Heartburn is the burning sensation felt in the chest just beneath the sternum (breastbone). It is a discomfort that nearly seven million American experience as part of an associated condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Heartburn is sometimes referred to as indigestion, acid regurgitation, or sour stomach. Despite its name, heartburn is not related to here to read more

Your risk of type 2 diabetes goes up because of this…

Menopause is a life change that affects women around the age of 50, although some women experience it earlier. During this time, estrogen levels decrease, which can lead to changes in a woman’s health. Many women during this time experience hot flashes, memory fog, weight gain, and other unfortunate symptoms. A new study suggests that here to read more

Electronic cigarettes help smokers kick the habit

Nearly half a million people die from cigarette smoking each year in the United States alone. Over 40,000 of those deaths are attributed to second-hand smoke. Despite these troubling statistics, an estimated 36.5 million Americans still smoke. Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, some of which are known cancer causing agents. But the reason smokers here to read more
