Search Results for: brain


Meditation May Help with Focus

If you’re prone to distraction and making mistakes, meditation may help you regain focus and boost accuracy. A new study looked at a form of meditation called open-monitoring meditation. It focuses on personal awareness of feelings, thoughts, and sensations as they’re happening in mind and body. Researchers from Michigan State University found that this form here to read more

Movement May Help Reduce the Risk for Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea can play a significant role in a person’s life. Aside from robbing sleep and leading to fatigue, grogginess, and a cloudy brain, it can influence heart and brain health. It’s caused by a lack of oxygen during sleep that leads to “micro-awakenings” every night. Sufferers don’t always realize that they are being here to read more

New Study Reveals Lack of Sleep Affects Your Walk

A new study has found a relationship between how walking patterns can be affected by lack of sleep. More importantly, the research found that even a few extra hours on weekends could help reduce fatigue-induced clumsiness. Previous research has shown how sleep can affect cognitive tasks, such as holding a conversation, solving math problems, and here to read more

Happiness May Help Delay Dementia

There is plenty of research to support that physical health plays a role in dementia risk. A healthy heart generally helps contribute to a healthy brain. But new work indicates that mental health plays a role too. The new study adds to some existing evidence that depression is linked to dementia, and it looks at here to read more

Natural Sunlight May Improve Mood and Reduce Insomnia

Sleep disorders are pervasive, with approximately one in three adults suffering from mild insomnia. As stress levels rise around the world, insomnia is becoming more prevalent in adults. But a new study led by Monash University has found that getting enough natural sunlight each day could help to reduce insomnia and improve mood. The study here to read more


Mindful Breathing Helps with Pain Control

It has long been known that specific breathing techniques can help with various health conditions, including pain management. But a new study from the researchers at the University of Michigan set out to compare two types of meditative breathing to find their effect on pain. Researchers looked at two meditative breathing types, the first was here to read more

Be Careful with Fish Oil

About a decade ago, maybe a little more, omega-3 rich fish oil became the supplement. Everyone was talking about it, and it seemed like everyone was taking it too. And what wasn’t to love? It’s a concentrated source of a highly beneficial nutrients that was touted to make your skin better, improve brain function, and here to read more

Eating the Rainbow Might Help Protect Your Memory

If you’re eating rosy reds, dark greens, bright yellows, radiant oranges, and deep purples, you’re in a better position to preserve your memory than if your food is golden brown. At least those are the findings from a recent Harvard study. The work found that eating the rainbow (think fruits and vegetables rich in powerful here to read more
