Search Results for: dementia


Your Eyes Might Reveal Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease: Study

New research shows how your eyes could be the window into seeing your risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Since Alzheimer’s disease begins to alter and damage the brain many years before symptoms appear, early detection is often extremely difficult. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia. It causes a continuous decline in thinking, behavioral, and social here to read more

Is Black Rice the Superfood You Need to Try?

Blueberries don’t have a thing on black rice. Did I say black rice? You bet I did. Rice isn’t just red, white, or brown. Black rice exists too. Long called the “forbidden rice” or “emperor’s rice,” it’s a much less common form of rice that’s growing in popularity. Its nicknames come from a long history, here to read more

New Study Suggests Meat Beefs up Mental Performance

Meatless Mondays, plant-based burgers, and vegetarian or vegan diets are big-time trends. And let’s face it, the more plants you eat, the healthier you will probably be. But does that mean you should cut out meat or animal-based products entirely? Probably not. Although participating in Meatless Mondays or eating a little less meat is likely here to read more


Take A Holistic Approach for Better Circulation

If you regularly notice you’ve got cold hands and feet, you’re likely experiencing circulation problems. And although the cold touch may appear to be nothing more than a minor annoyance, it could indicate a more significant problem. If nutrient-rich oxygenated blood isn’t reaching your hands and feet, it’s entirely plausible that it’s not reaching your here to read more

Coffee Could Help Keep You Young

A cup of coffee can kick things up a notch when needed. But it appears the popular beverage can do more to keep you young than provide a little extra energy. Numerous studies have observed anti-aging effects from coffee. Ranging from reduced risk for conditions like heart disease, stroke, and Alzheimer’s, coffee appears to have here to read more

Is Diet Soda Good for You?

One of the top pieces of weight-loss advice you’ll hear is to stop drinking soda. The stuff is loaded with sugar and “empty” calories that can lead to all kinds of health implications. But is diet soda any better? On the surface, it sure seems like it. Diet soda has no sugar and no calories; here to read more
