
Category Archives: Heart Health

Beat High Blood Pressure One Step as at a Time

Lowering high blood pressure can be intimidating. It may involve changing your diet, piling on exercise, or other measures that can leave you wondering how you’re ever going to do it. The answer is one step at a time. Literally. The most significant barriers to exercise are time constraints and fear. But the truth is here to read more

Study Finds Consuming 2 Servings of Fish per Week Can Prevent Heart Disease

Research shows how heart disease can be prevented or managed through lifestyle changes, including diet and exercise. One such study from McMaster University in Canada has found that eating oily fish regularly can help prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD) in high-risk individuals. The study involved an analysis of previous research involving 192,000 people from more than here to read more


Accumulation of Abdominal Fat during Menopause Increases Risk of Heart Disease

According to a new analysis from the University of Pittsburgh, women who accumulate abdominal fat during menopause are at greater risk of heart disease. This study indicates that measuring waist circumference during preventive health care appointments could be a better indicator of heart disease risk than weight or BMI. The senior author of the study, here to read more

What You Need to Know about Your Age & Your Blood Pressure Number

No matter what age, systolic blood pressure is the best way to predict future cardiovascular events and death. However, new research has found that diastolic blood pressure readings could still be a way to measure future health risks in younger people. In a blood pressure reading, the upper number—systolic pressure—measures how hard the heart pumps here to read more

More of This Is Better for Your Heart

Is there a limit to exercise’s benefits to your heart? Results from a new study suggest there might not be. You’re not going to find much argument about the health benefits of exercise, particularly for heart health. While some studies have shown that the benefits can plateau and potentially cause damage, a new study shows here to read more

Feed Your Gut to Strengthen Your Heart

It’s time to change the way you look at your gut and digestive system. Instead of just thinking about regularity and constipation, think big. Think about your heart. There is a vast amount of research to suggest your gut does a lot more than help you digest food and excrete waste. Instead, it could play here to read more

Incorporating Healthy Lifestyle for Cholesterol Can Be Beneficial

Everyone knows that following a healthy lifestyle can be beneficial for health, but new research shows just how important it can be for cholesterol. The study published in eLife shows how combining healthy lifestyle interventions can reduce heart disease through beneficial effects on different lipoproteins and associated cholesterol. The fact that following a healthy lifestyle here to read more