
Category Archives: General Health

Frequent urination risk higher in men with larger waist circumference: Study

Frequent urination risk is higher in men with larger waist circumference. The researchers found that men with waist measuring over than 100cm were three times more likely to report urinary problems, compared to men with a waist circumference of 90cm or less. Larger waist circumference was also associated with higher blood pressure, heart disease, type here to read more

Urinary incontinence in women treated effectively with pelvic floor muscle training: Study

Urinary incontinence in women can be treated effectively with pelvic floor muscle training. Director of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Carolyn M. Clancy said, “Urinary incontinence can affect women in a variety of ways, including physically, psychologically, and socially — and some of these impacts can be severe. This new report will help here to read more

Stress urinary incontinence in postmenopausal women, researchers investigate pill to reduce urine leakage: Study

Stress urinary incontinence in postmenopausal women may be treated with a pill, which can potentially reduce urine leakage. The effects of medication is currently investigated by the researchers in the ongoing study. Principal investigator Dr. Kenneth Peters said, “Our hope is that this daily pill will enhance the pelvic floor muscle and reduce stress urinary here to read more

Bladder problems in women after menopause, urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, and prolapsed bladder

Bladder problems commonly occur in women after menopause and can include urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, and prolapsed bladder. There are many reasons why bladder problems are more predominant after menopause, including a reduction in estrogen levels, along with the consequences of pregnancy and giving birth. Being aware of bladder problems can make you more here to read more


Artificial phosphates in dairy and cereal products may cause spikes in blood phosphorus levels, stress on kidneys

Our two kidneys are vital organs that perform many powerful functions. Most people know that they remove waste products and excess fluid from our body, but they also release hormones that regulate blood pressure, produce an active form of vitamin D, and control the production of red blood cells. Everything we put in our bodies here to read more

Gallbladder sludge may lead to gallstones in elderly – causes and treatments

Gallbladder sludge may lead to gallstones in the elderly. Gallbladder sludge, also known as biliary sludge, is a gel-like bile, a potential precursor to cholesterol stones. In majority of cases, this sludge does not form into stones and can easily dissolve in the gallbladder. Biliary sludge is normal and can be detected through ultrasound. It here to read more

Bladder problems in men after 60: Urinary incontinence, overactive bladder, enlarged prostate, and lower urinary tract symptoms

Bladder problems are usually a subject for discussion in relation to women, but bladder issues can very much affect men, too, especially those over the age of 60. With aging, the risk of bladder-related problems increases, as there is a decline in kidney weight over time. The bladder and the urethra, too, undergo changes associated here to read more

Urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse awareness is lacking among most women: Study

Urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse awareness is lacking among most women. Knowing the signs and symptoms of these conditions can help start the treatment sooner, but unfortunately, many women are unfamiliar with these conditions and their symptoms, so treatment is often delayed. This lack of knowledge was seen to be more common here to read more

Urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections in women often misdiagnosed by emergency departments

Urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted infections in women are often misdiagnosed by emergency departments – in fact, nearly half of the times. Such misdiagnoses lead to misuse of antibiotics and an increase in antibiotic resistance. Lead researcher Michelle Hecker said, “Less than half the women diagnosed with a urinary tract infection actually had one. here to read more

Fecal incontinence or urinary incontinence diagnosis more likely in dementia patients: Study

Fecal incontinence or urinary incontinence diagnosis is more likely in dementia patients. The researchers analyzed data from The Health Improvement Network (THIN) database and extracted records for 54,816 people over the age of 60 who were diagnosed with dementia along with records for 205,795 patients without dementia. Men with dementia had had an annual rate here to read more

5 causes and fixes for low libido

Sex may seem more like a chore now that you’re older, but it is still an important part of your relationship and even health. Unfortunately, there are many things that can get in the way of your thriving sex life, which is why you’re not having as much of it as you once were. The here to read more