
Category Archives: Colon And Digestive

Risk of Dementia Doubled for Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients: Study

New research published in the journal Gut has found that inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can more than double the risk of developing dementia. This new study adds to the mounting evidence, which suggests that communication between the gut and the central nervous system, known as the ‘gut-brain axis,’ is implicated in various aspects of health here to read more

Good Foods for Your Gut

What do you need for a healthy gut? Prebiotics and probiotics are often the first words that come to mind. It’s true, these are the nutritional foundations of a well-fed gut. Your gut needs to be well-fed if it’s going to operate at the highest capacity. When the trillions of microbes are getting the nutrients here to read more

Connection Exists between Inflammatory Bowel Disease & Celiac Disease Determines Study

Physicians have long suspected a relationship between celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, the association was never proven. But a new study from the Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute at McMaster in collaboration with the Society for the Study of Celiac Disease has found that there is a nine-fold increased risk of here to read more


Study Finds Certain Foods Common in Diets of Adults with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

According to a new study, adults with inflammatory bowel disease should avoid certain foods to reduce symptoms. Researchers in the Institute for Biomedical Sciences at Georgia State University have found that foods such as French fries, cookies, soda, cheese, and energy drinks are some of the “junk foods” that have appeared in diets of those here to read more

Some Fun Foods to Help Keep Things Moving

Digestive issues are no fun for anybody. Unfortunately, most of the foods recommended to get things moving aren’t much more appealing. But the truth is there is a lot more out there than oats, whole grains, and prunes that can help keep things moving. There are a vast array of foods that are high in here to read more

Acute Bloating Can Be Mistaken for a Heart Attack

A recent incident published in JACC: Case Reports has raised a question of whether bloating can be mistaken for a heart attack. The report outlined the situation showing how a patient in the hospital for metastatic Hodgkin’s lymphoma with significant abdominal distention displayed sudden onset of ST-segment elevations, which is often an indicator of a here to read more

Are Your COVID-19 Safety Measures Causing Indigestion?

Doctors have recently suggested that indigestion is a potential early symptom of COVID-19. If you’ve noticed you’ve been struggling with indigestion, should you be scared? Not necessarily. Although Chinese researchers have suggested that roughly half of coronavirus patients have complained about diarrhea and other digestive issues, it is not a surefire way to identify the here to read more

Sensitive Gut? “Health Foods” Might Be the Problem

So, you’re eating what you should be: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and more. But there’s one problem: it hurts. Health foods are considered “healthy” because they are nutrient-dense. They provide the body with everything it needs to function properly, prevent inflammation, and maintain cell health. Even though food might be “healthy” and promote better heart here to read more