Search Results for: parkinson's disease


Can Coffee Help You Stave off Parkinson’s Disease?

If you start your day with a couple of cups of coffee each morning, you could be doing double duty for Parkinson’s prevention. So, drink up! New research published online by Neurology is showing an association between caffeine consumption and Parkinson’s risk. This is not the first time such a link has been found. What here to read more

Scientists identify a new factor in Parkinson’s disease

A team of researchers from the Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) have identified a hitherto unknown cellular defect in patients suffering from idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. They also discovered a string of pathological events that can either trigger premature death of certain cerebral neurons, or even accelerate the process. Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disorder here to read more

Parkinson’s disease: Everyday non-exercise physical activity more beneficial than intermittent strenuous exercise

Researchers from the University of Michigan have found that everyday non-exercise physical activity is more beneficial for those with Parkinson’s disease than intermittent strenuous exercise. Individuals with Parkinson’s disease often become sedentary as the disease impairs their motor skills and balance. Patients may develop a fear of standing as their symptoms worsen and the fear here to read more


The Breakthrough Saliva Test for Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects elderly adults and is characterized by the occurrence of tremors, slow mobility, and a peculiar walk, in which the back is usually arched and the head positioned forward. Although Parkinson’s disease commonly affects the elderly, the symptoms of this condition may develop by the age of 50. here to read more

World Parkinson’s day 2016, Parkinson’s disease symptoms, dementia, rosacea risk, and hepatitis C

Monday April 11 is World Parkinson’s Day 2016, which addresses topics such as Parkinson’s disease symptoms, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease in relation to other health conditions, including rosacea and hepatitis C. Here are Bel Marra Health’s tops stories regarding Parkinson’s disease, so you can keep yourself informed about this progressive neurological disease. Parkinson’s disease symptoms, here to read more

Parkinson’s disease news roundup 2015: Prevention and treatment breakthroughs, outlook for 2016

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological condition that affects nearly 10 million people. There is currently no cure for Parkinson’s disease, so over time the disease progresses and worsens. Although there is treatment to help slow down this progression, ultimately it takes over a person’s life, making them unable to care for themselves. Although Parkinson’s disease here to read more

Eye Test Can Predict Parkinson’s-Linked Cognitive Decline

A revolutionary new eye test can predict Parkinson’s-Linked Cognitive Decline. Researchers believe this new vision test can predict which people with the disease will develop cognitive impairment and possible dementia 18 months later. The study published in Movement Disorders adds to previously collected evidence showing that vision changes precede the cognitive decline that occurs in here to read more
