Search Results for: smoking


Mixed incontinence causes, symptoms, and treatments

Mixed incontinence is a combination of symptoms of the two other types of incontinence, which include stress incontinence and urge incontinence. This means, patients with mixed incontinence may experience leaks when coughing or sneezing along with a strong urge to urinate. Signs and symptoms of mixed incontinence As mentioned, mixed incontinence is a combination of here to read more

The Serious Condition Unsightly Veins Reveal

Varicose veins are those blue veins that appear on the legs. For those who have them, they often do not experience symptoms but are embarrassed simply by their appearance. For others, varicose veins may make legs feel heavy and throb in pain. Varicose veins, overall, aren’t dangerous and typically don’t result in any complications. But here to read more

Simple Steps to Protect Your Bones

There is a growing problem happening and its affecting people of all ages. As we spend more time sitting in front of a computer, the more we are complaining of back pain. Spinal health is incredibly important yet very much overlooked. Poor posture, prolonged sitting, heavy purses and knapsacks… these are all factors contributing to here to read more

