Search Results for: dementia


Your Body Can Play a Big Role in Brain Health

There’s a belief that one’s body can be trapped, but the mind can’t be. But depending on the context, this may be untrue. One context where it is almost certainly false is when it comes to heart disease and dementia. Research is piling up to show that people who pile up heart-disease risk factors have here to read more

How Exercise May Protect Your Memory

There is plenty of data to show that more activity can lead to more brainpower and a lower likelihood of memory loss and thinking trouble with age. Now a new study offers a suggestion how. Recent research published in Neurology suggests that activity may influence memory and thinking skills by improving glucose metabolism and reducing here to read more

Small Changes to Help Lower Blood Pressure

Go big or go home: the worst advice ever. Most people who try and go big end up back home, right where they started. You might be able to relate if you’ve tried and failed at lowering your blood pressure. It’s probably true that you know what to do: exercise more, eat better, cut down here to read more


A Stable Weight Might Contribute to a Stable Brain

New research suggests that older adults who maintain a steady weight as they age are less likely to experience cognitive decline. That means you don’t necessarily have to lose weight to stay sharp with age. Instead, try to stay around where you are. Previous research has shown that losing some weight, when done properly, is here to read more

Women Begin to Experience Better Hearing with Age

Now, here’s something you want to hear: hearing retention is on the rise, particularly among aging women. Hearing loss is a common occurrence with advancing age, but new research suggests that hearing loss is becoming less common than it once was. Researchers from the University of Toronto studied hearing loss between 2008 and 2017 and here to read more
