Search Results for: dementia


Dementia risk higher in those with chronic conditions

Although the exact cause of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease is unknown, there is mounting evidence to suggest that chronic conditions can increase a person’s risk of developing dementia. In the latest study, researchers found that multiple chronic health conditions were associated with a higher risk of dementia or mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The cognitive abilities here to read more


Late-life dementia sufferers unaware of memory loss

Researchers of Rush University Medical Center in Chicago have uncovered that individuals with dementia are unaware that their memory is fading. Additionally, this lack of awareness can begin to occur up to three-years prior to diagnosis. Dementia is a condition which impairs a person’s ability to think and speak and leads to memory loss. There here to read more

Dementia diagnosed sooner with QDRS

Alzheimer’s Disease International reports that in 2013 there was an estimated 44.4 million individuals with dementia globally. That number is projected to rise to 75.6 million by 2030 as the population continues to age. Although there is no cure for dementia, diagnosis can still aid in treatment methods and work to improve a person’s way here to read more

New dementia diagnosing tool, QDRS, quick and simple

A renowned neuroscientist at Florida Atlantic University has developed a system for diagnosing dementia that is very fast and effective. Aptly named “Quick Dementia Rating System” (QDRS), this new system cannot only determine whether a person suffers from dementia, but can also gauge how severe or mild it is. The existing system of diagnosing and here to read more

Dangerous weight loss associated with common dementia drugs

Clinicians need to take into account the risk of harmful weight loss in adults who are prescribed common medications for dementia. According to researchers and clinicians at the University of California, San Francisco, a certain class of drugs (cholinesterase inhibitors) used in the treatment of dementia can result in clinically significant weight loss. Their study here to read more
