Hearing Loss

The Budding Cause for Hearing Loss

Have you ever had to look around you to figure out where that incessant ringing was coming from? For many people, this ringing noise is nothing but a passing inconvenience. While you may have found it only to be a nuisance, chronic ringing in your ears may be a sign that something more sinister is ...click here to read more

Could A Gene Restore Your Hearing?

Hearing loss is a problem that affects roughly 13 percent of the United States – this means 38.2 million people in the country suffer from partial or total loss of hearing. Whether it’s noise-related hearing loss, age-related deafness, or even genetic hearing impairment, the loss of one of the most important senses we have can ...click here to read more

iPods Causing Hearing Loss and Damage

Hearing loss is more prevalent than ever with 17 percent of American adults reporting hearing problems such as an impaired ability to hear speech. A generally noisier society is partially to blame for the rising levels of hearing loss but it’s not the only factor. If you are one of the 46% of Americans who ...click here to read more

Ringing Ears Not Just for Old Folks

Can you speak louder please?  Hearing loss has been long considered as a feature common among the elderly, yet according to a recent medical report, hearing loss can also occur in the younger, general population.  According to the report published in the British Medical Journal, hearing loss may also be caused by specific occupations that ...click here to read more