Search Results for: diets


Can Low-Carb Diets Help Cut the Risk of Diabetes?

If you want to normalize blood sugar and reduce your risk for full-blown type-2 diabetes, could adopting a low-carb diet help? A new study suggests that it could, in certain cases. The work looked at what happened in people with prediabetes, a condition characterized by higher-than-normal blood sugar levels that put people at higher risk here to read more

Vegan Diets Tied to Higher Bone Fracture Risk

People who follow a vegan diet are at a higher risk for bone fracture. According to a new study published in the journal BMC Medicine, compared with people who eat meat, vegans have a lower calcium and protein intake which contributes to a 43% higher risk of bone fracture. This is the first comprehensive study here to read more


Are All Plant-Based Diets Created Equal?

If the goal is heart health, blood sugar control, or management for seemingly countless conditions, what’s the universal answer? Say it with me: Eat more plant-based foods. But does a plant-based diet necessarily mean you’re going to experience a drop in blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and improve your heart health? Not exactly, says a here to read more
