Search Results for: flu


Why it’s so important to have your hearing checked

Hearing loss can make day-to-day life quite challenging. It can impair your ability to enjoy your favorite song, watch your favorite television show, and hold a conversation. People with hearing loss may try and avoid social settings due to the difficulty they face hearing and understanding those around them. As a result, they may feel here to read more

How long does heartburn last? Quick relief tips

Heartburn is the burning sensation felt in the chest just beneath the sternum (breastbone). It is a discomfort that nearly seven million American experience as part of an associated condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Heartburn is sometimes referred to as indigestion, acid regurgitation, or sour stomach. Despite its name, heartburn is not related to here to read more

Urinary retention: Causes, symptoms, and diagnosis tips

Those with urinary retention suffer from the inability to empty their bladder completely. While they can usually still go to the bathroom, they often feel they have retained urine despite excreting as much as they could. Acute urinary retention happens suddenly and lasts only a short time. Chronic urinary retention, on the other hand, can here to read more

8 common digestion myths debunked

Talk to anyone you know and they’ll probably have some complaint about their digestion. Whether it’s bloating, an upset stomach, or heartburn, it seems that everyone’s suffering. With a rise in digestive woes, there’s a lot of information that’s circling, but unfortunately, not all of it is true. Below you will find some common digestive here to read more

What causes retrosternal chest pain?

Retrosternal chest pain is pain felt behind the sternum bone—a flat bone located in the middle of the chest. This bone may also be referred to as the breastbone. Due to the relative location of retrosternal pain, it is often confused with various cardiac conditions that can induce unnecessary anxiety in suffers. However, due to here to read more


This common medication is putting your life at risk

Every day, thousands of patients are prescribed anticoagulants that work to prevent blood clots. Blood clots are a serious health threat that can increase your risk of a heart attack. Unfortunately, these same drugs that aim to help you may actually be putting you at a higher risk. Researchers at the University of Birmingham uncovered here to read more

Simple tips to improve your bladder troubles

Unfortunately, the older you get, the weaker your bladder becomes. This can lead to leaks and accidents and have you constantly running to the nearest bathroom. Bladder problems can greatly hinder a person’s quality of life. They may be unable to laugh or sneeze, may be frightful of watching a movie in a theatre, and here to read more

Healthy gut diet: Foods to eat and avoid

Your digestive tract is home to roughly 100 trillion bacteria that are involved in keeping your digestive tract operating at peak efficiency, and by eating a healthy gut diet, you help keep it that way. The bacteria in your digestive tract actually play a much more important role in your overall health than you think. here to read more
