Search Results for: flu


7 Tips to Improve Your Bladder Control

Bladder leaks can be quite embarrassing, and if you suffer from them, you may rate yourself as having a lower quality of life. This is because you’re scared to go out in public, scared to laugh, and scared to sneeze all because of the fear of leaks. What if you can’t find a bathroom? Then here to read more

Polyarthralgia: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Polyarthralgia is a disabling health problem that involves intermittent or persistent pain due to various causes. Here, we take a look at the symptoms, underlying causes, and treatment options. Polyarthralgia can be confusing because it isn’t a disorder on its own; it’s usually associated with other ailments. A simple polyarthralgia definition is a condition that here to read more

6 Ways to Reduce Your Risk of This Disease

The role of the prostate is to produce fluid that makes up semen. The prostate is only one part of the semen-making process, as the fluid is also made up of fluids from other glands along with sperm from the testicles. Men rarely think about their prostates, but as they age, it becomes an area here to read more

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Diet and Exercise

We should all have a healthy diet, but a polymyalgia rheumatica diet is something that those who suffer from PMR should consider, along with polymyalgia rheumatica exercise. Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is an inflammatory disorder that leads to pain in the shoulders and upper body. Inflammation draws extra blood and white blood cells to the part here to read more

5 Simple Tips to Live Longer

Research has finally unveiled the five best ways to extend your lifespan by up to a decade. The study findings, which were published in the journal Circulation, suggests that having a healthy body mass index, maintaining a moderate to vigorous exercise routine, not smoking, drinking alcohol in moderation, and eating a healthy diet is all here to read more

19 Best Essential Oils for UTI: Usage and Warnings

About 50 percent of women worldwide experience a urinary tract infection at some point in their lives. While many are prescribed antibiotics, there is a growing belief that essential oils for UTI should be considered part of the treatment. A urinary tract infection occurs when there is an overgrowth of bacteria in the urinary tract. here to read more


This Is What Your Sleep Habit Reveals about Your Health

Whether you’re a stomach sleeper, fetal position sleeper, or you toss and turn all night, how you sleep and your sleep habits reveal important information about your health. Your sleep habits can reveal underlying sleep problems, possible causes for your poor sleep, along with other elements from your health such as your diet. Here are here to read more

Why You Should Eat More Mangoes

Mangoes are a delicious fruit found in many different parts of the world. They are high in a variety of vitamins including A, C, E, K, and B6. Mangoes also contain minerals like iron, potassium, and calcium. Based on their vitamins and minerals, mangoes are a superfood. Due to mangoes nutritional content, they can offer here to read more

Menopause and joint pain: What is the connection?

Joint pain often occurs at the same time as menopause and it affects many women. While there is no clear reason for these achy and swollen joints, some doctors believe it may be due to falling estrogen levels. Estrogen is thought to protect joints and reduce inflammation, and when these levels drop during menopause, inflammation here to read more
