Search Results for: brain


A New Way to Address Hearing Troubles

If you have a hard time hearing your loved ones in a crowded room with background noise, it might be time to take up tennis. Tennis, of course, is much better for your ears than a crowded restaurant where background noises commonly reach levels of 80 decibels or higher. But its effect may have nothing here to read more

Crafting a Healthy Coffee

It’s rich in antioxidants, water, and is associated with improved cognitive function, lower risk for neurodegenerative diseases, better mood, and anti-inflammatory effects. But is coffee healthy? It depends on who you are and what your overall lifestyle looks like. Like any other food or “superfood,” the benefits of coffee are purely contextual. In some cases, here to read more

Build A Healthier Gut

Your gut is a magical place. There are tens of trillions of bacteria in your gut doing work. They can either help you break down and absorb nutrients, silence inflammation and promote immunity, clear up brain fog, or they can do the opposite. And although genetics may have a small role in what’s happening in here to read more

2 Common Types of Forgetfulness

There you are, pacing around your home with your blood pressure rising. For the past 20-minutes, the frustration has been mounting, and you’re about ready to blow when you discover your wallet right where you left it: on top of your toilet. Sure, it should have been in its usual spot by the entrance. But here to read more


Cells Linked with Blindness among Older Adults Found: Study

Blindness caused by age-related macular degeneration affects more than two million people in the United States. The eye disease can lead to progressive loss of central vision and significantly affect quality of life. Unfortunately, there is no known cure for the disease. Macular degeneration is caused by the deterioration of the central portion of the here to read more

How Your Neighborhood Affects Your Memory

What’s better than the relationship with a good friend that engages in a constant stream of trash talk? Not much. There’s one friend I’ve got who I’ve been dealing it to for decades—and he to me—and a new study suggests he might be on to something. Here’s the synopsis: he’s from a small town and here to read more
