Search Results for: Health


Antibiotics may be used to treat appendicitis

Antibiotics may prove to be just as effective in treating acute non-complicated appendicitis as an appendectomy, according to a new study from the University of Southampton. Appendicitis is caused by inflammation of the appendix due to a blockage or infection, and is most commonly treated by removing the organ in a procedure known as an here to read more

ADHD confirmed as a brain disorder: Study

Researchers have confirmed that ADHD – Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – is actually a disorder of the brain and not just the result of “poor parenting” that leads to bad behavior. Those with ADHD were found to have structural differences within their brains, meaning the variance can be seen physically. The analysis also found that here to read more

Short-term memory loss: Causes and treatments

Short-term memory loss is a case of losing memory over a short period of time. In most situations, long-term memory is not impaired. While most people associate short-term memory loss with aging and specifically dementia, there are other causes for amnesia-like symptoms; therefore, treatment is varied. People who experience short-term memory loss might find that here to read more

Tips to Follow If You Want to Live to 100

If you want to live to 100, you’re in the right place. We have some of the most common health tips that centennials around the world follow. As you’ll soon see, it’s easier than you’d think. Dan Buettner, the author of The Blue Zones and The Blue Zone Solution, identified parts of the world that here to read more

Ten unexpected heart attack triggers

We are all aware of the common tips for promoting heart health. Eating a balanced diet and frequently exercising are great preventive strategies. However, it pays to know what some unexpected heart attack triggers are, especially if you’re at risk. Lack of sleep: Not only does sleep deprivation make you tired all day, but it here to read more

How to calculate your target heart rate

Your target heart rate is meant to be your goal when exercising in order to ensure that you are working out effectively while not overdoing it. Target heart rates vary based on personal fitness level and may be different for each individual. To find out how to calculate and reach your target heart rate, continue here to read more

Low impact exercises to get fit safely

We’re told constantly how important exercise and keeping in shape is to our health, but not everyone is capable of performing the same fitness routines due to health conditions affecting their joints and mobility. If you find yourself limited to less intense workouts, continue reading to discover a list of low-impact exercises that can help here to read more


16 natural ways to get through a cold or flu

We are still very much in cold and flu season, and even if you haven’t become stricken with illness just yet, the risk is still there. Maybe while you’re reading this, you already struggle with a stuffy nose, nausea, or sore throat. In that case, you’re in luck. This is because we share 16 natural here to read more

Postmenopausal hormone therapy may help prevent dementia

The University of Eastern Finland has found an association between postmenopausal estrogen-based hormone therapy and a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is one of the most prevalent forms of dementia, especially among women, so these findings indicate that the female sex hormones—estrogen and progesterone—may be useful in preventing its onset and preserving cognitive ability here to read more

Placebo and valium treat acute lower back pain equally

New research from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Health System has shown that when it comes to treating new-onset acute lower back pain, a placebo works just as well as diazepam (Valium). This conclusion was reached after emergency room patients who were treated with either a combination of naproxen—a nonsteroidal inflammatory drug—and diazepam or here to read more

Nostalgia may help smokers quit

Anti-smoking public service announcements that utilize fear and guilt to convince smokers to quit may be less effective than softer, nostalgia-based announcements, according to a new study from Michigan State University. The use of nostalgia-evoking imagery and content is often used to promote and sell consumer items, and researchers set out to determine if this here to read more

Is glaucoma hereditary or a genetic disease?

Is glaucoma hereditary? Glaucoma is a series of conditions that cause irreparable damage to the optic nerve, potentially causing vision loss and blindness. It has a hereditary and non-hereditary form, meaning everyone is at risk of developing it, though individuals who have a family history of the disease are more likely to be affected. In here to read more
