Search Results for: Health


Should you be taking an aspirin a day?

It is often recommended to take an aspirin if you have heart problems as a means of reducing your risk of a heart attack. New research suggests that the same aspirin a day you take for your heart may go a long way in benefitting your liver too. The latest findings suggest that a daily here to read more

Creaky knees: Causes, treatment, and exercises

Creaky knees are often described as a crunchy sound emanated when you bend at the knee joints. Sometimes, your knees may look puffy or swollen but it doesn’t present with pain. Our knees are used practically every day during movements like walking, running, jumping, and climbing. The more we bend our knees, the more we here to read more

Daily habits that can improve your heart

Ensuring your heart stays healthy isn’t a complicated task. In fact, on a daily basis, you are taking part in simple habits that go a long way in improving your heart health—you just don’t realize it. Aside from eating healthy and exercising regularly, there are many other simple-to-do daily habits that can keep your heart here to read more


Gene therapy helps treat rare form of hearing loss

Having the ability to hear is one of our beneficial senses. We can listen to music, hear when people are calling us, and even just appreciate silence when getting the opportunity. Sadly, hearing loss affects millions of people around the world and there are many different causes for its development. One such form stems from here to read more

Why you should be eating more bananas

Unfortunately, heart disease still remains the number one killer in America, even though many of its risk factors are preventable. Not smoking, reducing stress, eating well, regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and watching your cholesterol and blood pressure are all some preventable ways you can reduce your risk of heart disease. Specific to diet here to read more

This common exercise won’t help your leaky bladder

Pelvic and bladder exercises are often recommended as a means of strengthening muscles to prevent bladder leaks. Kegels and yoga are just examples of exercises that can be performed to prevent bladder leaks. Common exercise not effective in preventing bladder leaks: Experts suggest The exercise is known as abdominal hypopressive technique (AHT) and is a here to read more

Easy exercises that boost libido

Regular exercise has numerous health benefits including improved cardiorespiratory health, healthy weight maintenance, strong muscles, and even an improved sex life. Not only does exercise give you a stronger body, but it can boost confidence because you will look and feel better. To add to that, certain exercises target specific body areas, which can improve here to read more
