Search Results for: Health


8 Causes of Purple Finger or Blue Finger

In healthy individuals, the bright red of oxygenated blood circulating underneath your skin creates a pink tint around the fingertips. When blood is lost, the skin appears pale, but purple discoloration in the fingers indicate a lack of oxygen in the blood. There are different medical conditions that may cause purple or blue fingers including here to read more

Cholecystitis Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Cholecystitis can be life-threatening and often involves removal of the gallbladder; however, treatment can also include adopting a cholecystitis diet. Cholecystitis is essentially inflammation of the gallbladder. Gallstones that block the tube that leads out of the gallbladder cause cholecystitis. In the majority of cases, a blockage leads to a build-up of bile that triggers here to read more

Is This the Reason You Can’t Sleep at Night?

There are many different causes for a sleepless night including a warm room, anxiety and stress, or an underlying illness. But scientists are now suggesting that your digestion could play a big role in your sleepless nights too. Scientists are starting to suspect a link between our guts microbiome — trillions of microbes situated in here to read more


The Side Effect of Hearing Loss You Didn’t Know

Hearing loss can affect your ability to follow conversations, enjoy your favorite song or movie, and take part in daily activities. Yes, these are all detrimental effects of hearing loss, but there are some more dangerous consequences. Research suggests that hearing loss increases the risk of accidental injuries. Senior author of the study Dr. Neil here to read more

Hip Flexor Strain: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Hip flexors are the group of muscles that aid in physical mobility throughout the lower portion of the body including the legs, knees, groin, and hips. Hip flexor strain occurs when either one or more of these muscles sustain some sort of injury or overextension beyond their natural capabilities as a result of long periods here to read more

Essential Oils for TMJ: Best Oils, Usage, and Recipes

Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) is caused by misalignment of one or both temporomandibular joints in the mandible bone. The mandible is one of the largest and strongest bones in the face. It offers support for the lower jaw. Trauma to this area or naturally misaligned bites are what causes TMJ to form. The disorder causes here to read more

Why You Should Limit Your Intake of Junk Food

Everywhere you look, junk food is deemed the enemy. Yet it still continues to be a booming business between packaged snacks you can buy at the grocery store to fast food chains popping up on the regular. There are many reasons why we consume junk food, mostly because of convenience or cheaper cost. Although many here to read more
