Search Results for: weight loss


World Psoriasis Day 2017: Lets fight against Psoriasis

October 29th is World Psoriasis Day and it was created by patients suffering from the condition to help raise awareness. Psoriasis is a long-lasting autoimmune disease that is characterized by patches of abnormal skin. It often leads those affected to suffer from extreme itchiness and embarrassment, as these patches can be quite obvious. To do here to read more

Is your body wasting away?

Muscle loss and loss of appetite are often believed to be common changes that occur with aging. Sadly, these aren’t necessarily normal aging symptoms and could be related to a more serious condition. The Greeks used to refer to this condition as cachexia, which means “bad condition.” Today, we refer to it as wasting away here to read more


Your daily glass of wine is increasing your risk of this

As the saying goes, “It’s wine o’clock, somewhere!” The popularity of wine is quite evident, especially among younger women. It seems that wine—although around for centuries—is really hitting its peak in popularity, with people partaking in “Wine Wednesday.” On one hand, many studies have pointed to the health benefits of wine due to it being here to read more

What causes struvite kidney stones

While kidney stones are familiar to most people, struvite kidney stones may not be. Struvite kidney stones have sharp, uneven edges and they tend to grow quickly, leading to a malfunction of the kidney. This type of stone requires immediate medical attention. The kidney plays an important role in the human body. It filters waste, here to read more
