Search Results for: diabetes


How To Walk Away From Diabetes

People at risk for diabetes have been told by doctors for years that engaging in a regular exercise program can be a very helpful strategy for naturally stabilizing blood sugar levels. Typically, patients are told that they require at least forty-five minutes of moderately strenuous activity each day in order to see beneficial results. To here to read more

Could the Cure for Diabetes Be Found In Pigs?

Currently, close to 30 million people in the United States have diabetes. While treatment for this disease has come a long way, the condition still makes it difficult for the sufferer’s pancreas to produce insulin. This requires many people to seek out an organ transplant for survival – currently, over 115,000 people in the United here to read more

New Research Suggests Alzheimer’s is a Form of Diabetes

Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States. It is a form of progressive dementia that profoundly affects a person’s memory, thinking and behavior. Approximately 5.2 million people are currently suffering with Alzheimer’s disease in the U.S., and that number is projected to triple by 2050. Like all diseases, Alzheimer’s here to read more

This One Food Could Greatly Reduce Your Risk for Diabetes

Although diabetes is often mistaken for an incurable and unmanageable disease, the majority of type-2 (adult onset) diabetes cases are both preventable and reversible. Certainly, eating a diet rich in a variety of vegetables, fruits, lean protein, beans, legumes and whole grains helps to reduce your risk for type-2 diabetes, as well as restricting foods here to read more

Diabetes Diagnosis Garners Same Reaction as Death

You’ve been diagnosed with diabetes and the words insulin, blood sugar and glucose can be scary, especially if you haven’t heard them before. Learning that there is no way to cure diabetes and realizing that you now have a chronic, lifelong disease can be stressful and can make you feel a whirlwind of emotions, including here to read more

Beauty Products and Diabetes – Shocking New Research

It might not be a reason to throw out your toiletries case, but you might rethink its contents following  a recent study. Researchers from the Brigham and Women’s Hospital are showing that there is a tie between run of the mill anti-aging cosmetics (found in everyday department stores) and diabetes. One of the chemical compounds here to read more

Can Your Waistline Predict Your Diabetes Risk?

The medical community has often discussed the impact of body mass index on diabetes, but now a new study suggests that waist size may be just as important in determining a woman’s risk of contracting the disease. The study conducted by Addenbrooke’s Hospital in the United Kingdom was extensive; involving 30,000 middle-aged participants. They were here to read more


Diabetes and Alcohol – What You Need to Know

Decades ago, people were simply told if you have diabetes don’t drink alcohol, but now extensive research has shown that under the right conditions, controlled alcohol consumption for some diabetic patients can be safe. The Dangers of Alcohol – Blood Sugar Levels According to the Mayo Clinic there are certain conditions associated with diabetes that here to read more

Diabetes Deaths Dropping – But is it Good News?

More than 8 percent of the American population currently suffers with diabetes, which is a disease that results when the pancreas either does not produce enough of the blood sugar regulating hormone insulin (type-2 diabetes), or it does not produce any insulin at all (type-1 diabetes).  The body requires insulin in order to transport excess here to read more

Coffee and Type 2 Diabetes

Americans spend an average of 40 billion dollars per year on coffee and 54 % of American adults consume it on a daily basis. Some good news for all of you coffee drinkers out there is that emerging evidence suggests that drinking coffee may do more than just give you that extra energy boost to here to read more

Diabetes Myths You Need to Know

Diabetes is a disorder where the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin, which is the hormone responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. As a result of this inability, diabetic individuals experience chronic high blood sugar levels. Obesity is the number one risk factor for the development of diabetes and more than 80% of type-2 here to read more

Canned Meat Might Double Your Diabetes Risk

Diabetics are generally characterized with elevated blood sugar levels that need immediate control in order to prevent further medical complications.  Diabetics regulate their glucose levels through the administration of insulin or by monitoring the type and amount of food consumed on a regular basis.  A diabetic diet usually consists of low-sugar food items that prevent here to read more

Is Rice Giving You Diabetes?

Diabetes Statistics Diabetes has become a global epidemic over the past couple of decades, and the World Diabetes Association states that approximately 6.4% of the global population are diabetics. The percentage of diabetics varies widely by country however, with the United States and India on the higher end of the spectrum and China at the here to read more
