Search Results for: brain


Why it’s so important to get your hearing checked

Acknowledging that you have trouble hearing can be quite difficult… Hearing loss is usually associated with older age – and who wants to admit they’re old? Unfortunately, declining hearing ability is the harsh reality of becoming older, but it doesn’t have to be something to be ashamed of – and to dismiss. In fact, the here to read more

Exercise may improve your sight: Study

While the benefits of exercise on your fitness, mood, sleep patterns, and cognitive function are well known, a new study from the University of California, Santa Barbara has found that it can also improve your eyesight. Researchers previously discovered that visual processing in mouse and fly models increases during physical activity, and this study aimed here to read more

Intestinal bacteria linked to Alzheimer’s disease

Research from Lund University has found a link between intestinal bacteria and the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Gut bacteria interact with the immune system, intestinal mucosa, and your diet, and can affect your health and well-being. The team studied mice both with and without Alzheimer’s and compared the composition of their intestinal bacteria. Those with here to read more

8 reasons for your leaky bladder

There is no doubt that a leaky bladder can negatively impact your quality of life. Constantly running to the bathroom or worse, having an accident, can lead to anxiety or embarrassment. If you’re suffering from a leaky bladder then uncovering the underlying cause can help you receive the necessary treatment, so that you can regain here to read more


The science of love

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and the signs of love are everywhere. Reminders to purchase a pink or red wrapped gift are in every store, extravagant bouquets prominently displayed as love songs are piped through the speakers, but have you ever wondered why we are so inclined to proudly declare our love? To here to read more

Why cholesterol is actually good for you

Time and again you’re told that cholesterol is bad for you because it increases your risk of heart attack or stroke. But while there is no doubt about the harmful effects of cholesterol, it seems that this health enemy can also be a friend. In fact, our body needs cholesterol to function – in particular, here to read more

Tired? Eat this…

Sleep is an integral part to day-long energy, but food is just as important to feeling energized. If you’re struggling to get through the day because all you can think about is napping, you may want to take a closer look at your diet. Perhaps, you’re just not getting enough of energy-boosting foods. Below you here to read more

International Epilepsy Day: Diabetes, cataracts, heart rate

February 13 is International Epilepsy Day, and in honor of this event, Bel Marra Health has gathered a collection of articles related to epilepsy, including information on diabetes, cataracts, heart rate, and asthma. Diabetes, epilepsy, and asthma may increase risk of suicide and self-harm Diabetes, epilepsy, and asthma may increase the risk of suicide and self-harm. here to read more
