Search Results for: brain


Age-related memory loss vs. dementia

There are times when we can’t remember where we placed our keys or the TV remote, or when we realize we have forgotten a person’s name. It can be embarrassing and isn’t something anyone would like to happen to them, especially in front of others. Being forgetful is usually synonymous with being old, as whenever here to read more

Virtual reality helping amputee victims

Phantom limb pain is something of a conundrum. It’s described as pain felt in a limb that is no longer there. This condition occurs in hundreds of people who have had an arm or a leg amputated, which is a common occurrence in military veterans or even people with poorly controlled diabetes. A new form here to read more

Simple fix for America’s growing health problem

If I ask you what America’s biggest health problem is, you’d probably say smoking, obesity, or heart troubles. Unfortunately, you would be missing out on a huge growing problem. That problem is living a sedentary life—sitting all day long—and experts suggest it’s becoming a problem worse than smoking. Some experts refer to it as the here to read more

What causes liver pain?

Determining what causes liver pain can be difficult, considering that the brain perceives abdominal pain from many organs in what experts call an “ill-defined” way. Still, advances in medicine have helped the medical community come to a better understanding of what causes pain in the liver area. Research tells us that the liver’s pain receptors here to read more


Novelty is the key to improving memory

We all want to improve our memory. Forgetting someone’s name or where you put your car key is embarrassing and often a reflection of your mental capacity. We try to learn new tricks to remember things, like mnemonics or associations, which help. But the process of forming and recalling memory is complex, often leading these here to read more

New research suggests that tea benefits women the most

Drinking tea has long been known to have many benefits. It is a great alternative to coffee if lower levels of caffeine are desired, it contains antioxidants, and can even help with weight loss. Tea also plays a key role in modulating disease risk in humans by suppressing tumor progression, decreasing inflammation, and influencing estrogen here to read more

Early recognition of Alzheimer’s possible

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common neurodegenerative problem in humans. It effectively destroys our memory and other important mental functions. Scientists believe that this progressive disease is primarily the result of amyloid plaque or tau protein tangle development within the brain. This leads to the symptoms seen in Alzheimer’s. Sadly, many of these symptoms don’t here to read more
