Search Results for: flu


Periostitis: Causes and how to treat it

If you are passionate about running, you may already be familiar with periostitis. It is a condition that occurs when the tissue surrounding the bones around the periosteum become inflamed. Many runners have heard the term “shin splints,” which are a type of periostitis. Repetitive stress such as running, jumping, or lifting heavy weights can here to read more

This one thing will keep your prostate healthy…

If you’re an aging man, you should be concerned about your prostate health. It’s a sensitive topic, and to this day, many men prefer not to discuss it at all. Yes, it may take extra effort to make an appointment and speak frankly with your doctor about your “embarrassing” problems. But an open conversation with here to read more

Relapsing polychondritis: Causes, symptoms, and how to treat it

Relapsing polychondritis is an autoimmune disorder that presents with non-specific symptoms affecting the neck, nose, throat, and ears. The disease is rare and primarily involves cartilage tissue becoming inflamed. Any tissue that contains cartilage is at risk of being affected by this condition. The eyes, blood vessels, and heart have cartilage in them, making them here to read more

Crystals in urine: Know the causes and treatment

Our kidneys’ function is filtering the blood and producing urine that is primarily made up of water and other substances. The chemical composition of urine typically consists of uric acid, carbon, calcium, and nitrogen. And sometimes, crystals in urine can be found. When the normal functioning of the kidneys becomes compromised due to various abnormalities here to read more

Is drinking eight glasses of water a day a myth?

There is nothing like quenching your thirst with a glass of cold water. It is refreshing, easy to drink, and has zero calories. You can find water in anything we drink, from carbonated beverages to alcohol, though in these cases, it serves primarily as a base for other, not-so-healthy ingredients. Drinking plenty of water is here to read more

Why you’re going to the bathroom so often

In many things, we agree to disagree. After all, it’s different strokes for different folks. But when it comes to health, we assume what’s healthy for one person is healthy for everyone. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. Everyone poops. It’s considered an indicator of good health, and the more you go, the better your metabolism. here to read more


Nuts help fight colon cancer

One of the scariest things that can happen to a person is developing cancer. Colon cancer, for example, is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women and the second leading cause in men in the United States. In 2017, colon cancer is estimated to claim over 50,000 lives. However, a multiyear study suggests here to read more

What causes testicular atrophy and how is it treated?

Testicular atrophy is the medical term given to shrunken testicles. The testicles are organs involved in the male reproductive system that reside in a bag-like structure called the scrotum. They are involved in sperm production and the secretion of male sex hormones. The shrinkage of one or both testicles depends on the severity and duration here to read more
