
Category Archives: General Health

Metabolic Health Is About More Than Meets the Eye

What does your picture of a healthy person look like? Are they slim, ordo they appear to be of “normal” weight? Probably. And now do the same for an unhealthy one. I’d imagine you’re seeing somebody overweight. You might think that given their weight, they may have a heart condition, diabetes, or metabolic problems. There’s here to read more

High Salt Diet Weakens Immune System: Study

Most people know that a high salt diet can lead to high blood pressure, but new research shows that it can also harm the immune system. The study, which involved feeding mice a high salt diet, found that immune deficiencies were linked to the high levels of salt intake. The study was led by the here to read more

Are All Plant-Based Diets Created Equal?

If the goal is heart health, blood sugar control, or management for seemingly countless conditions, what’s the universal answer? Say it with me: Eat more plant-based foods. But does a plant-based diet necessarily mean you’re going to experience a drop in blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and improve your heart health? Not exactly, says a here to read more


Undergoing ADT for Your Prostate? New Study Suggests You Should Get Moving

If you’re undergoing hormone reduction therapy to treat your prostate, a new study is showing exercise can aid recovery and limit side effects. Androgen suppression therapy, or androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), is a common treatment used to limit androgen production and stymie the spread of compromised prostate cells. But the treatment comes along with a here to read more

Sensitive Gut? “Health Foods” Might Be the Problem

So, you’re eating what you should be: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and more. But there’s one problem: it hurts. Health foods are considered “healthy” because they are nutrient-dense. They provide the body with everything it needs to function properly, prevent inflammation, and maintain cell health. Even though food might be “healthy” and promote better heart here to read more

Easy Hacks to Boost Energy This Spring

Is it just me, or do winters get longer with age? Today’s been the first in a while that I’ve got outside without a heavy coat—or any coat at all—and to be honest, it felt a little weird. Sad, I know. Winter can suck the energy right out of a person. The dark short days here to read more

Is Treatment for These Common Infections Boosting Your Risk for Severe Illness?

Ear infections, chest infection, urinary tract infections, and respiratory infections, although common, can be dangerous. As it turns out, so can common treatments. Doctors tend to prescribe antibiotics when patients come in with one of these common illnesses. But that treatment could lay the foundation for severe illness in the near future. A new study here to read more

Try This to Tame Your Bladder

Trouble with bladder control can be a huge cloud hanging over your life. Whether it’s causing you to wake up multiple times per night or causing sudden urges throughout the day, it feels like it’s holding you hostage. Bladder control problems can have a number of causes. But at the end of the day, it here to read more