
Category Archives: Brain Function

The Risks of Springing Forward

You might feel a little extra groggy this morning. Your alarm’s going to be ringing at 7 am, but as far as your body knows, it’s still an hour earlier. The joys of daylight savings time. But aside from the grogginess and general confusion resulting from hitting the fast-forward button on time, some real dangers here to read more


Sleep Time Tied To Bone Strength: Study

Better sleep could mean better bones, so it might be time to add a lower risk of osteoporosis to the long list of sleep benefits. Stronger bones join such benefits as a lower risk for heart disease, better cognitive function, a stronger immune system, and more as a byproduct of better sleep. Research has found here to read more

High Blood Sugar Is No Good for Your Brain

When you hear about high blood sugar, what comes to mind? Diabetes risk, weight gain, and maybe a risk to heart health? But what about your brain? High blood sugar – even below diabetes levels – may boost the risk of dementia. A new study from University College London in the UK found that “prediabetes” here to read more

Are Socks the Secret to Sound Sleep?

To the dismay of many, there are people out there that sleep in socks. Those sock sleepers, however, could be onto something. Sleeping with socks is a tale of two extremes: you likely either love it, or you hate it. For example, I can’t stand it. My partner loves it. She has a collection of here to read more

Consuming Plant-Protein Associated with Lower Risk of Premature Dementia Death among Older Women

Within the United States, there are at least five million people currently living with age-related dementia, and as the population increases, these numbers are expected to rise. Researchers are working to find answers to why the numbers are increasing and new prevention and treatment methods. One of these new studies was published recently in the here to read more