
Quitting Smoking Can Save Your Vision

Kicking the smoking habit could be the best thing you do for your health. Add another negative to the long list of smoking hazards: poor eyesight. Your vision concerns now will only get worse if you’re a smoker, according to a recent Swedish study, published this January in JAMA Ophthalmology from the American Medical Association. Science here to read more

Toxic Chemicals in Your Fish Could Impair Your Vision

Fish is steadily gaining popularity as a natural source of Omega 3 fatty acids, a natural supplement that can help prevent cancer and mental disease. However, new research is showing that blindly following this trend may prove detrimental to your health. Seafood–fish in particular–is becoming a staple part of the North American diet. While it here to read more

Detect Glaucoma Earlier and More Accurately

Glaucoma is an eye health problem that has become increasingly prevalent, and is one of the top causes of vision loss in America. Glaucoma occurs when a number of eye conditions begin to damage the optic nerve in the eye, often resulting in reduced vision due to the high pressure inside the eye. Because the here to read more

#1 Trick to Maximize Eye Health Revealed

The world health organization states that physical activity is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of many non- communicable diseases. The WHO and many other health agencies promote exercise as a means to improve mental health as well. Most of us have likely heard how physical exercise can improve both body and here to read more

Is Laser Surgery Really Safe?

Eye care has entered the aesthetic era. We have seen the transition from bulky eye glasses to contact lenses, and now with laser eye surgery being used for correcting eye impairments, we could see the elimination of glasses or contact lenses altogether. Laser eye surgery (also called LASIK) is a simple procedure whereby the shape here to read more