hair loss

Best natural remedies to tackle hair loss

Hair loss, or alopecia, is a concern for more than just men noticing a receding hairline. Everyone wants a thick, full head of hair to feel youthful and attractive. When it starts to thin or bald spots appear, we feel self-conscious and insecure about our appearance. We all wish there was a magical hair loss here to read more

New Hope For People With Hair Loss

Is your hair thinning, looking like there’s less and less of it? With full vibrant hair a sign of good health and attractiveness, thin lackluster hair can make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. We don’t all have to have the Robert Redford or Brooke Shields locks of beauty, but something to really run our here to read more

Balding Men More Likely to Get Heart Disease

Hair loss, particularly male pattern baldness, can drastically lower a man’s self-confidence and even affect his social life. New research published in BMJ Open shows that certain patterns of male hair loss carry other more serious risks as well.  According to the recent study, if a man has hair loss at the top (crown) of here to read more