Search Results for: weight loss


Weight loss protects knees, MRI study

MRI studies have revealed that substantial weight loss can significantly lower degeneration of knee cartilage in individuals who are overweight or obese. Obesity is a risk factor for osteoarthritis, a condition where degeneration of joints occurs. The knees are commonly affected by osteoarthritis. Aging baby boomers are not only at a higher risk of being here to read more

Stored fat prevents weight loss

As we accumulate more fat the body produces a protein that inhibits our ability to burn fat – this can make weight loss far more difficult. The findings may better help understand obesity and find ways to promote successful weight loss in those who are obese. The majority of fat cells in the body work here to read more

Counting bites leads to weight loss

BYU health science researchers uncovered that individuals who count their bites they take while eating experience greater weight loss compared to those who don’t. In fact, their study revealed that those who count their bites lose an average of four pounds each month. During the study individuals were asked to count their bites for a here to read more

Weight loss surgery benefits cancer prevention: Study

By analyzing obese women with a high risk of cancer, researchers evaluated the effectiveness of weight loss surgery. Results from their findings included: 1. Weight was reduced by one-third. 2. Mean weight loss was 100 pounds. 3. It eliminated precancerous tumor growth. 4. Physical quality of life improved. 5. Improved insulin levels and glucose use. here to read more

Dangerous weight loss associated with common dementia drugs

Clinicians need to take into account the risk of harmful weight loss in adults who are prescribed common medications for dementia. According to researchers and clinicians at the University of California, San Francisco, a certain class of drugs (cholinesterase inhibitors) used in the treatment of dementia can result in clinically significant weight loss. Their study here to read more


What does initial weight loss tell you?

Everyone wants to lose those last five pounds. But keeping the weight off can be hard. Maybe in the past you’ve been successful, but somewhere down the road those pounds snuck back. Losing weight and keeping it off can be difficult, but new research suggests your initial weight loss can determine how successful you will here to read more

Natural home remedies for weight loss

You’re not in a happy place if you’re overweight or obese – and neither is your body. In fact, how much you weigh, in relation to your height, your waist size (pinching more than an inch of flab?) and how many pounds you’ve gained since your mid-20s have a huge impact on your health. We’re here to read more

New Weight Loss Treatment That Isn’t A Diet!

Don’t turn to extreme diets or Lap-Band surgery. Try holistic methods to help you shed those unwanted pounds, such as acupuncture. Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years.  Many people use acupuncture to treat various ailments including chronic pain, migraines and nausea caused by chemotherapy. A study published here to read more

How Regular Sleep Is Linked To Weight Loss

A good night’s rest is gold, boosting our energy and outlook for the day ahead. As sleep has become the focus of numerous and ongoing studies, its benefits seem to be multiplying. Some people need eight hours a night and some claim to only need six or seven hours to feel refreshed, but the fact here to read more
