Articles Related To Weight Management.



Category Archives: Weight Management

10 health benefits of drinking cranberry juice

Many modern doctors and nutritionists recommend cranberry juice for relief from various health problems. But the health value of cranberries was first discovered by Native Americans. The natives used cranberry extract as a dye for clothing, as food, and even as medicine, especially for treating urinary and bladder problems. The high nutrient and antioxidant content here to read more

Watermelon juice can relieve sore muscles after exercise

Watermelon juice has been found to relieve sore muscles after exercise. Watermelons are mainly made up of water, but they also contain essential vitamins and minerals that your body requires to feel great. For example, watermelons actually have high antioxidant content known to help the body produce nitric oxide, which helps improve blood circulation. Much here to read more

Higher fat variation of DASH diet lowers blood pressure and triglyceride levels, does not raise LDL cholesterol

A higher fat variation of the DASH diet lowers blood pressure and triglyceride levels and does not raise LDL cholesterol. The study titled “Comparison of the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet and a higher-fat DASH diet on blood pressure and lipids and lipoproteins: a randomized controlled trial” compared the effects of substituting full-fat here to read more

10 health benefits of drinking orange juice

Orange juice is a popular morning time beverage, as it’s not only refreshing but offers much nutritional value, too. Oranges and orange juice are a great snacking option because they are low in calories and packed with nutrients that offer countless health benefits. Oranges contain over 170 different phytochemicals and over 60 flavonoids, which are here to read more

Piriformis syndrome can cause pain in butt for runners, piriformis relief stretches and exercises tips

Piriformis syndrome is a neuromuscular disorder that can compress the sciatic nerve, and while it can cause a lot of pain for runners, a simple piriformis stretch can often lead to relief. The piriformis muscle is a small muscle that is situated deep in the buttock. It starts at the lower spine and connects to here to read more


Multiple sclerosis in women can lower food folate, vitamin E, and magnesium levels

Multiple sclerosis in women can lower food folate, vitamin E, and magnesium levels. A reduction in these vitamins and minerals can lead to serious health consequences, as they work as powerful antioxidants and contribute to overall good health. The researchers looked at 27 Caucasian women with multiple sclerosis and compared them with 30 healthy women here to read more

People with narcolepsy are prone to weight gain, often overweight

People with narcolepsy are prone to weight gain and are often overweight. Narcolepsy is characterized by excessive sleepiness, but the new findings suggest it can also increase weight gain. The findings further unveil that even if narcoleptics consume less than those without the condition, they are still prone to weight gain. The researchers found that here to read more

This superfruit can help lower cholesterol

Though classified as a fruit, avocado isn’t a typical one, being high in fat rather than carbohydrates. But don’t let that deter you from enjoying it, as it can still offer heart health benefits, including lowering your cholesterol. Avocado has risen in popularity and has truly become a dietary staple for many. The fruit’s versatility here to read more

Eating disorders and depression incidence found to be higher in athletes

Eating disorders and depression incidence is found to be higher in athletes. On average, athletes are three times more likely to develop an eating disorder. Additionally, much evidence has supported a strong association between depressions and eating disorders. Although it may seem that being exceptionally fit and talented would ward off eating disorders and depression, here to read more

These 5 foods help cleanse your colon

I’m sure you’ve heard about the rise of cleansing. Whether it is for your liver or your whole body, it’s the concept of ridding the body of toxins in order for it to work more efficiently. Many of us run out to stores and spend hundreds of dollars on cleanses in order to feel refreshed… here to read more