Search Results for: flu


How to treat common male “plumbing” problems

For men, growing old brings with it common “plumbing” problems, which can be quite tedious and annoying. For women, it is far more common to discuss incontinence, urine infections, and bladder problems, while so many men suffer in silence. Men can experience bladder leaks as a result of an enlarged prostate. They could even end here to read more

Weekly health news: Ventricular arrhythmia, musculoskeletal pain, trapped gas, hemarthrosis, gallbladder pain

Another week has gone by which means it’s time for your weekly health news round up. We talked about ventricular arrhythmia, a potentially deadly complication of the heart chambers. Musculoskeletal pain, a common source of discomfort for many individuals. Also, hemarthrosis, a condition characterized by bleeding into the joints leading to pain and swelling. To here to read more

