Search Results for: oil


Fish oil turns fat-storing cells into fat-burning cell

A new study has found that fish hold can help with turning fat cells which typically store fat into fat-burning cells. The findings could help reduce weight gain for those in middle age. The researchers found that fish oil activates receptors in the digestive tract which starts up the sympathetic nervous system which makes storage here to read more

Exercises for Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Sacroiliac joint pain is believed to cause lower back and leg pain. The sacroiliac joint is located next to the bottom of the spine, under the lumbar and above the tailbone. This joint is reinforcement by surrounding ligaments and is very strong. The sacroiliac joint has minimal movement but acts as a shock-absorber. What Causes here to read more


Oregano oil: Benefits and uses

If you like to spice up your meals, you have many options to add flavor. Basil, mint and oregano are just a few examples of flavor-enhancing herbs. Aside from their flavor, herbs are often touted for their health benefits as well. Oregano – commonly used in Italian, Greek and Spanish cuisine – also contains many here to read more

This oil is worse for you than sugar

Sugar has a bad reputation, and for good reason. Not only can sugar contribute to type 2 diabetes, but it has been linked to many other health complications. The verdict is in and sugar is definitely out. But new research suggests this oil is worse for you than sugar. So what’s the biggest food villain here to read more

How to get the most out of this healthy oil

In many heart-healthy and even brain-healthy diets they rave about the use of olive oil. Olive oil, especially the extra virgin type, has been shown to be beneficial to overall health, but is typically advised not to cook with. Although drizzling the golden oil on top of food seems to be helpful, critics say cooking here to read more

Study says most people go to the toilet wrong

The fact of the matter is we all poop. I apologize for being frank, but let’s call a spade a spade and discuss a topic that is rarely brought up. There are many issues associated with pooping such as constipation, diarrhea and diverticulitis. Diverticulitis, in particular, is a condition where bulging pouches develop along the here to read more

Health care don’t: Canola oil!

Cooking. Whether we love it or not, it’s something everyone has to do sooner or later. Microwave meals just aren’t the answer to good eating or good health! And whether you are a chef or just getting by when it comes to food preparation, frying something up in a pan is done by almost everybody. here to read more
