Search Results for: smoking


Fathers day 2016 Health Gifts: Healthy Prostate, Heart health, Blood pressure control, Liver disease prevention and longevity

Tomorrow is Father’s Day and instead of giving dad another wrench set, why not give him the gift of health by showing him some of Bel Marra Health’s top men’s health-related editorials. Here we compiled pieces regarding prostate cancer risk, heart health, blood pressure, liver disease and many more men-related health issues. Instead of spending here to read more

Pregnant women with inflammatory bowel disease often have nutritional deficiencies: Study

Pregnant women with inflammatory bowel disease often have nutritional deficiencies. Researchers found that multiple deficient nutritional parameters were common and inadequately assessed in pregnant women with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The researchers analyzed data of 136 IBD-affected pregnant women and created a retrospective chart review to determine how often nutritional information is obtained and any here to read more

