Search Results for: oil


Boost your libido naturally with this fatty food

A low libido can be caused by several things including stress, being overweight, busy schedules, or an underlying medical condition. Dealing with the underlying cause of low libido can definitely get it started once again. Or you could eat fatty foods as a means of boosting your libido, according to research. Eating fatty foods boosts here to read more

How to manage pain in the upper left back

While not as common as lower back pain, upper back pain still plagues many people on a daily basis. The upper left back is the region to the left, below the neck (cervical spine), and above the lower back (lumbar spine). The upper back is often referred to as the thoracic spine and is generally here to read more

What causes phleboliths in the pelvis?

Phleboliths are masses of varying sizes found in a vein within the pelvic area. They are composed of lime or calcium deposits, with their presence possibility hinting at a more serious underlying condition or disease. However, phleboliths are typically harmless unless a more serious underlying condition is discovered that requires immediate medical attention. Phleboliths are here to read more

Urinary retention treatment, prevention, and home remedies

Urinary retention treatment is designed to rectify the problem of being unable to completely empty the bladder. Occurring more commonly in older men, urinary retention can be a serious condition that may lead to emergency urinary retention treatment. Acute urinary retention happens suddenly and lasts only a short time. Chronic urinary retention, on the other here to read more

8 “superfoods” not worth the hype

You’ve probably heard the hype around superfoods – these are items that are high in vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants. These foods are hailed for the benefits they can offer your body, but it’s hard to know which foods are worth buying and which really don’t live up to the hype. The below eight foods are here to read more

Avoid these foods if you have joint pain

Our diet can have a large influence on how we feel. Certain foods can upset our stomachs, others affect our mood, and some can make our joint pain worse. Some foods work to reduce inflammation, bringing you some relief from your joint pain. On the other hand, others trigger inflammation and will cause your joints here to read more


Simple diet tricks to support a healthy bladder

Living with a leaky bladder can be embarrassing, but first and foremost, you should know that you are not alone. Thousands of Americans leak when they cough, sneeze, or laugh, and many more have such a strong urgency to go to the bathroom that they often can’t make it in time. There are several factors here to read more

New underwear can prevent back strain

How many television adverts have you seen sporting some new technology that will relieve back pain for good? Probably too many to count. The problem with these types of advertisements is that they often promote products that are untested, don’t work, or are simply unfeasible for daily use. Back discomfort and pain is something over here to read more
