Search Results for: flu


Common Health Myths You Need to Stop Believing

If you’re a female, you’ve probably experienced at least one urinary tract infection (UTI) in your life. You were probably made aware of some at-home remedies you could try, such as drinking cranberry juice. You may have tried this and maybe even relayed this information to others. Unfortunately, many of these remedies aren’t useful remedies here to read more

Your Risk of High Cholesterol Goes up Because of This

The holidays were weeks ago, but your body may still be feeling the effects of overeating and poor food choices. The latest research findings suggest that poor holiday eating habits can trigger a cholesterol spike of 20 percent compared to cholesterol levels in the summer months. Author Dr. Anne Langsted explained, “Our study shows strong here to read more

The Dangers of Secondhand Smoke You Don’t Know Of

The latest research findings have uncovered that continuous exposure to indoor secondhand smoke is linked with a higher risk of heart arrhythmias. This is because exposure to secondhand smoke causes changes to the heart’s electrical activity. The study was conducted in mice, and researchers uncovered that secondhand smoke exposure alters cells that regulate how the here to read more

Hearing This Noise May Signal High Blood Pressure

Hypertension – high blood pressure – is often described as a silent killer because it doesn’t trigger many symptoms. The best way to know if you have high blood pressure is simply measuring it either with a cuff device or wrist machine. These machines measure systolic and diastolic blood pressure. There is one symptom which here to read more

Can a Vaccine Slow down Aging?

Vaccines are administered to protect us from viruses and disease. When we are vaccinated, our bodies become immune to whatever disease we were treated for. Common vaccines include the flu shot, HPV, polio, and the chicken pox, but soon you may add aging to your vaccine list. Researchers at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School are here to read more

5 Triggers of Bladder Leaks

If you suffer from bladder leaks, you know how frustrating and embarrassing it can be. You’re always anxious that you may have an accident or not be near a bathroom. This can be quite stressful and prevent you from enjoying life to the fullest. In order to regain control of your bladder, there are some here to read more


Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

After a long day, do you come home with heavy, tired legs? Is your ability to sleep halted because you experience restless leg syndrome? You may only think you’re merely overworking your legs, but these symptoms could be a sign of venous reflux disease. Venous reflux disease doesn’t always reveal itself in spider or varicose here to read more

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has grown in popularity in recent years, with many people praising the liquid for its several health benefits. Apple cider vinegar can be consumed regularly when diluted in water as a beverage, or it can be added to meals as part of a dressing or marinade. Here are some of the amazing here to read more

Common Causes for Burning Ears

There’s a long-running old wives’ tale that if your ears are burning, it’s because someone is talking about you. But there are many different reasons why your ears may feel as if they are burning, all varying in severity. Here are some common causes of a burning ear and what to do about them. Common here to read more
