Search Results for: brain


Tips for Migraine Management

Battling migraines is a massive job. I can speak from experience. Although my days of migraines are long behind me, I will never forget the pain they caused. When they hit, I was incapable of virtually everything. Lying in a dark room with a cold cloth resting on my forehead could only do so much. here to read more

Chatting Your Way to a Better Memory

Socializing may benefit the brain like exercise benefits the heart. New research has shown that older people who get together with friends, volunteer, or go to classes have healthier brains that could help them delay dementia. Engaging with others, even moderately, was found to activate parts of the brain that play key roles in memory. here to read more

Could Eternal Youth Be Living in Your Gut?

Here’s a warning: proceed with caution if you’re a little queasy. But keep going if you’re interested in a major finding about the fountain of youth. It could be flowing inside you. Literally. Doctors are only beginning to understand the breadth of gut health. There is evidence and theories about the gut-brain axis, but work here to read more

How COVID-19 Could Be Worsening Hearing Troubles

The list of maladies enhanced by COVID-19 keeps growing. The latest might be your ability to hear. Although not a direct symptom of the virus, further damage to your impaired hearing may result from social isolation. Particularly for those treating hearing impairment with a hearing aid. People relying on hearing aids for better hearing may here to read more

Is Too Much Sleep Making Your Memory Foggy?

Sleep and smarts go together like rest and relaxation. But can too much put your memory at risk? You’re likely heard of the association between poor sleep and brain fog. Just a few hours of missed sleep can impair thinking and memory. Long-term poor sleep can boost the risk of severe memory problems and Alzheimer’s. here to read more


Working Out Could Build More Muscle Than You Think

It’s unfair to stigmatize muscle heads as meatheads. New research suggests that working out doesn’t just flex biceps, but the brain as well. A recent review shows that exercise is associated with a greater ability to boost concentration, learning ability, and memory for up to two hours following moderate to vigorous activity. Those reps make here to read more

Probiotics: What They Are and How to Get More

Probiotics can help with digestion, gut health, and more. They might even help fight inflammation and brain function. But what the heck are they? Are they a superfood? A nutrient? Bugs? Depending on who you ask, they could be classified as a superfood. Probiotics are linked to a number of potential health benefits, but they here to read more

Open the Pathways to Better Memory with Nitric Oxide

No one is blaming you for separating brain health from body health. It is straightforward to do. But on the other hand, it’s interesting to hear people voice concerns about high blood pressure and heart health without talking about memory and brain function. The two couldn’t be more closely related. Your brain needs a steady here to read more
