Search Results for: Health


Superfoods that boost circulation

Healthy blood circulation is an integral part of healthy living because blood works similar to gasoline in a car. When your car is lacking gasoline, it cannot run, or if there is a problem with the car preventing the gasoline from getting to the engine, it will not run as efficiently as it normally would. here to read more

10 signs of dementia you need to know about

Memory loss is a growing concern worldwide as populations continue to age. Rates of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are climbing and are expected to double. As we age, there is some normal memory loss that we experience that is harmless. But how can you tell the difference between normal age-related memory loss and dementia? Here here to read more

How much cholesterol should you have a day?

We know that there’s good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, and that if your cholesterol is too high you may be at risk for cardiovascular disease. Since these levels are impacted by diet, it is also important to know how much cholesterol we should have in a day. Continue reading to find out what your daily here to read more

Types of mood disorders

How is your mood? Would you say you’re feeling happy? Or are you sad, angry or even indifferent? The events currently going on in your life can have a large impact on your mood. If you just received good news you’ll probably be feeling happy or excited. If you just experienced a loss you may here to read more

Simple lifestyle changes that add years to your life

When it comes to living a long life, the rules are quite simple. Researchers suggest that it takes three main things and lifestyle habits to promote a long life. These include not smoking, watching your weight, and continuously learning new things. The researchers also suggest that our genes play a role, too, when it comes here to read more

Is your lifestyle to blame for your tiredness?

Tiredness is becoming a serious problem all over the world. It seems that we are all just moving around this earth like sleep-deprived zombies. We’re working longer hours, we have greater responsibilities, and we just don’t get enough quality sleep. But is your lifestyle to blame for your tiredness? Well, for some of us, it here to read more


American Diabetes Month: One in 11 Americans Have Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the United States, causing conditions like nerve damage, kidney disease, and even blindness. This is why the American Diabetes Association has determined that November is American Diabetes Awareness Month to spread the word about this serious metabolic condition. As part of your weekly here to read more

Cold sweats causes, symptoms, and treatment

Cold sweats may seem to be an oxymoron – how can a person be cold and sweating? Well, it is very much possible, and cold sweats are just that – sweating without the presence of heat. Cold sweats can be symptomatic of many illnesses. They are an abnormal reaction, so they should always be addressed here to read more
