Search Results for: arthritis


Menopause and joint pain: What is the connection?

Joint pain often occurs at the same time as menopause and it affects many women. While there is no clear reason for these achy and swollen joints, some doctors believe it may be due to falling estrogen levels. Estrogen is thought to protect joints and reduce inflammation, and when these levels drop during menopause, inflammation here to read more

Common Causes of Swollen Hands

Ever woken up in the morning to swollen puffy hands? Your fingers may be difficult to bend. Your grip may not be as strong. And your jewelry may not even fit. Swollen hands in the morning are pretty common, and although most of the time it isn’t a result of anything too serious, there is here to read more

This Popular Household Item May Reduce Joint Pain

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack itself, namely, its joints. As a result, the body creates inflammation which leads to pain, swelling, stiffness, and a lack of mobility. Over time, inflammation can be destructive and cause permanent damage. A new study has explored the use of baking soda as here to read more

The Surprising Sign of Chronic Disease

Testosterone is the primary hormone needed in male libido, but it has also been linked to other health problems. Some studies have suggested that low testosterone in males is linked to depression and even diabetes. A more recent study has suggested that low testosterone may be tied to chronic disease. Lead author of the study here to read more

Why It’s So Important to Have a Healthy Gut

Our body is connected in several different ways, so it shouldn’t be that surprising that your gut health could impact your joint pain. It is well known that obesity is linked to osteoarthritis — a type of arthritis categorized by “wear-and-tear” of the joints and cartilage. Osteoarthritis affects an estimated 31 million people and it’s here to read more

Avoid This Citrus Food to Curb Joint Pain

Citrus fruits are often recommended to consume as they are great immune-boosters. But if you have arthritis, you may want to avoid certain types of citrus fruit. With arthritis, joints and tendons become swollen, red, achy, and mobility becomes restricted. Some nutritionists believe that consuming grapefruits can worsen symptoms related to arthritis by triggering further here to read more


Your Morning Beverage Is Hurting Your Joints

Arthritis is a common cause for joint pain among older adults. Joints become stiff, swollen, range of motion is limited, and above all, you experience pain. Living with arthritis and joint pain can be difficult, but there is one thing that you probably do every day that is worsening it. Several studies have shown that here to read more
