Search Results for: diets


Rheumatoid arthritis and kidneys: Protecting your kidneys from RA

Rheumatoid arthritis patients are at an increased risk for chronic kidney disease. Researchers at the Mayo Clinic have found that rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients have a higher risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD) along with an increase in inflammation within the first year of diagnosis, corticosteroid usage, hypertension, and obesity. The researchers recommend that rheumatoid here to read more

Osteopenia (bone loss) update: Natural treatment, anti-inflammatory diet, diabetes, psoriatic arthritis

In case you missed it, here is Bel Marra Health’s roundup on osteopenia— decreased bone density—featuring information on what factors contribute to bone loss, natural treatment options, anti-inflammatory diet tips for stronger bones, and how psoriasis affects bone density. Four factors that contribute to bone loss Bone loss, and more specifically osteoporosis, is often identified here to read more

9 steps for better brain health

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease cases are on the rise as the world’s population gets older. These brain disorders are associated with significant memory loss and can impair one’s ability to care for themselves. As time goes by, a person’s memory begins to fade away, forgetting loved ones’ names and even important life events. Although Alzheimer’s here to read more

Whole grains may increase metabolism and calorie loss

Reducing calories and speeding up your metabolism may be as easy as swapping refined grains for whole grains, according to new research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. While previous studies have shown that whole grains and increased dietary fiber intake benefit those with glycemic control issues and insulin sensitivity, the impact of here to read more

Rheumatoid arthritis and feet: The connection and feet arthritis pain relief tips

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease involving the immune system, in which joints undergo inflammation. causing pain and stiffness. People with rheumatoid arthritis generally find difficulty performing simple movements that involve the joints, such as walking, standing up, and sitting down. This condition has also affected individual performance at work or school, prompting the medical field here to read more

World Cancer Day: Colorectal cancer, diabetes, blood pressure, prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease

In recognition of World Cancer Day—taking place on February 4, 2017—Bel Marra Health has put together a roundup of articles featuring information on colorectal cancer and prostate cancer, as well as how these diseases relate to and are affected by diabetes, blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease. Enzyme may prevent tumor growth in colorectal cancer Researchers here to read more

Timing and planning of meals could impact heart health

The American Heart Association’s journal, Circulation, has asserted that the timing and planning of meals could impact your heart health. Habits including eating breakfast and planning when you will eat your meals and snacks are associated with healthier diets, which may help to reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The frequency and time that here to read more


Anti-inflammatory diet may reduce bone loss in women

New research published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research suggests that women who consume a diet high in anti-inflammatories experience less bone loss than their peers. The study examined data from the Women’s Health Initiative and compared inflammatory elements of participants’ diets to their bone mineral density and fractures, discovering a connection between here to read more

Eating eggs won’t raise your cholesterol…?

If you’re aiming for healthy cholesterol levels, you’re probably avoiding foods like eggs and butter. But research suggests those once banned foods are safe to eat again as they won’t harm your cholesterol numbers. As you hit the age of 40, you are told time and again about the horrors of cholesterol as it contributes here to read more

Urine test can detect a person’s healthy diet: Study

A new urine test is being developed by researchers from Imperial College London, Newcastle University, and Aberystwyth University that has the ability to detect how healthy a patient’s diet truly is. The five minute test evaluates biological indicators in an individual’s urine sample that are created by the breakdown of specific foods. It is able here to read more

MIND diet reduces Alzheimer’s disease risk by 53 percent

The MIND diet stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay and has been shown to improve brain health and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. As we age, the threat of developing Alzheimer’s increases. Although the cause of Alzheimer’s disease is still unknown, researchers are working diligently to uncover more information to combat this life-changing here to read more
