Search Results for: weight gain


Study: Diet soda can make you gain weight

Don’t let the term “diet” in diet soda fool you; diet soda can still lead to weight gain. A new study looked at the dietary habits of over 22,000 Americans and concluded that, to compensate for the drop in calories from a diet beverage, people tend to overeat other food items that often contain more here to read more

Hidden Ways Wheat is Making You Gain Weight

Wheat is the primary source of carbohydrates in many of our diets, and the average American consumes a whopping 55 pounds of wheat flour per year! Many of us our well aware that a diet full of refined wheat products such as croissants and bagels is not exactly conductive to good health. However, recent research here to read more


There are Big Benefits to Bodyweight Exercises

So, you’ve heard about all the benefits of having stronger muscles as you get older. You know, the stuff like improved bone strength, a faster metabolism, better heart health, and, of course, independence. But there can be some severe blockages to taking the steps for many. You may be a little intimidated by the gym, here to read more

A Stable Weight Might Contribute to a Stable Brain

New research suggests that older adults who maintain a steady weight as they age are less likely to experience cognitive decline. That means you don’t necessarily have to lose weight to stay sharp with age. Instead, try to stay around where you are. Previous research has shown that losing some weight, when done properly, is here to read more
