Search Results for: cancer


New genetic variants of breast cancer discovered

Breast cancer is an extremely prevalent disease. It is estimated that about one in eight U.S. women will develop the invasive form of cancer over their lifetimes. However, increased awareness and funding has helped improve screening and diagnosis of breast cancer and even aided in improved treatments, leading to increased survival rates of cancer, with here to read more

Old drug used to help fight lung cancer chemo-resistance

One of the deadliest cancers affecting humans today is lung cancer. Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in particular is known for being difficult to treat with chemotherapy resistance being a significant problem. However, the use of an unlikely drug has been found to help combat this resistance to life-saving treatment. Chemotherapy resistance occurs when cancers here to read more


Your risk of cancer goes up because of this

A new study suggests that women with gum disease or a history of gum disease are at a higher risk of developing certain types of cancer. These cancers include tumors in the esophagus and breasts. The researchers uncovered that a history of gum disease increased the risk of certain cancers by 14 percent. Esophageal cancer here to read more
