Search Results for: calories


Foods for your mood

Dreary winter weather can have a negative effect on your mood, making you feel sluggish and blue. While depression and anxiety are serious mental illnesses that should be assessed by your doctor, a simple bad day that leaves you glum may be able to be treated with a snack. Discover some of the best foods here to read more

The one meal you should never skip

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We know it – but we may not know why. Research suggests that people who don’t skip breakfast tend to weigh less than those who do. Breakfast is particularly important for diabetes prevention and management. The latest studies on breakfast and health have uncovered that eating here to read more

Why cholesterol is actually good for you

Time and again you’re told that cholesterol is bad for you because it increases your risk of heart attack or stroke. But while there is no doubt about the harmful effects of cholesterol, it seems that this health enemy can also be a friend. In fact, our body needs cholesterol to function – in particular, here to read more

Whole grains may increase metabolism and calorie loss

Reducing calories and speeding up your metabolism may be as easy as swapping refined grains for whole grains, according to new research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. While previous studies have shown that whole grains and increased dietary fiber intake benefit those with glycemic control issues and insulin sensitivity, the impact of here to read more

What to eat: Broccoli vs. cauliflower

You’ve seen them side by side in the produce aisle, but have you ever pondered their differences? Sure, one is green and one is white, but it goes much deeper than that. Discover the nutritional similarities and differences between these two vegetables and learn once and for all which is healthier – broccoli or cauliflower? here to read more

Five common fitness myths

Keeping in shape is important for your health, but when there are so many trends around telling you what you should and shouldn’t be doing, how can you be sure that your fitness routine is working for you? Continue reading to find out if you’ve been following five of the most popular fitness myths. 1. here to read more

Get active outdoors this winter

Keeping active in the winter months can be a challenge. The days are shorter and colder, and going outside for fresh air may seem unappealing when you could be curled up and cozy in front of a fire. Shake off those hibernation tendencies and get active outdoors this winter with some fun exercises that will here to read more


These health foods are hurting your liver

Fruits and honey are considered healthy as they provide us with vitamins and nutrients, but when it comes to your liver, excessive consumption of these foods may spell trouble. There are many factors to consider when evaluating your liver health, including alcohol consumption, fat intake, weight, and infections. Researchers suggest that in addition to these here to read more

Simple trick helps relieve joint pain

Joint pain can put a serious damper on your daily activities. It can impair your ability to get up, walk around, or even grasp objects – frankly, joint pain can be detrimental for your overall quality of life. Many seniors take medications or even use topical solutions to ease joint pain. Although these remedies are here to read more

Natural ways to lower your cholesterol

High cholesterol can be dangerous as it contributes to the risk of cardiovascular events, including heart attack and stroke. Hence, lowering cholesterol is highly advised. Sure, you can take statins to curb your levels, but for some people this is not enough to get healthy results. It’s important that even if you are on cholesterol-lowering here to read more
