Search Results for: calories


Depression and chronic fatigue syndrome: How are they linked?

Depression and chronic fatigue syndrome, although different, may actually be linked. In both conditions, the patient will feel extremely fatigued, regardless of the sleep quality the night before. It is possible that a patient may have depression and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) simultaneously, or mistake one condition for the other. It’s important to recognize the here to read more

This once forbidden food can help your blood pressure

Who doesn’t love cheese? It’s truly a favorite of the many, but unfortunately, if you have certain health problems it’s often the first food to eliminate from your diet, especially if you have high cholesterol. Well, good news, cheese lovers, research is coming to the rescue. It has been uncovered that cheese consumption may actually here to read more

Renal diet: Foods to eat and avoid for kidney failure

A renal diet is recommended for patients with renal disease or kidney failure. Kidney failure patients require a specialty diet because as the function of the kidneys diminishes processing certain foods becomes more difficult. Following a diet that is less taxing on the kidneys can improve health outcomes. Even if a person has kidney disease, here to read more

Overcoming chronic fatigue syndrome: Steps to follow

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a condition in which the individual constantly feels too tired to perform any activity – even activities they enjoy. Worse yet, no amount of sleep or coffee can shake off this constant feeling of being tired. Chronic fatigue syndrome affects roughly 836,000 Americans, and a shocking 84 to 91 percent of them are not here to read more

High blood pressure lowered by drinking cherry juice: Study

High blood pressure may be lowered by drinking cherry juice. The study found a seven percent reduction in blood pressure after participants consumed tart Montmorency cherry concentrate, in comparison to drinking a fruit-flavored beverage. A growing problem worldwide, high blood pressure is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and is associated with various complications including here to read more


How not to gain weight this Thanksgiving

Unlike the turkey, you don’t need to be stuffed this Thanksgiving weekend. Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the holiday season, which is inevitably associated with heavy overeating, ultimately leading to weight gain. Registered dietician Kristen Kizer explained, “Lack of sleep, an abundance of decadent food, and the stress of the holidays are the perfect storm here to read more

The benefit of sleep you didn’t know

Dropping those few extra pounds that have miraculously found their way to you may be a real challenge. Sure, as we age, we become less active and maybe our diet isn’t the healthiest out there, but even if you do watch what you eat and exercise regularly, you may still be struggling with weight loss. here to read more
