Search Results for: brain


Social media ‘likes’ affect teenager brains

A new study has found that social media ‘likes’ have a powerful effect on teenager brain. Receiving a large number of likes on a post activates the same brain circuit as seen in consuming chocolate or winning money. Lead author Lauren Sherman said, “When the teens saw their own photos with a large number of here to read more

Keeping busy boosts brain health

Although many of us complain about our busy schedules, keeping our agendas booked up could be offering us many brain health benefits. A study uncovered that older adults with busier schedules perform better on memory tests, information processing, and reasoning. The researchers did mention that they don’t necessarily believe being busy promotes mental clarity, as here to read more

Fibromyalgia alters brain signals, raises hyperalgesia risk, and lowers opioid therapy effectiveness

Fibromyalgia alters brain signals, raises hyperalgesia risk, and lowers opioid therapy effectiveness. Hyperalgesia is an increased pain sensitivity, and the researchers noted that these changes in the brain signals may contribute to pain experienced in fibromyalgia and the lack of response to opioid therapy. Lead author Dr. Marco Loggia said, “In patients with fibromyalgia, there here to read more

Sleep difficulties prevalent in brain injury patients

Individuals living with a brain injury experience difficulties when it comes to sleeping. Many of these patients may not even be aware that they have sleep problems. The study revealed these patients may experience daytime sleepiness for up to 18 months following the injury. Furthermore, these sleep problems may negatively impact daytime performance at work, here to read more


Multiple sclerosis may be triggered by brain cell death causing an autoimmune response against myelin

Multiple sclerosis (MS) may be triggered by the death of myelin-producing brain cells (oligodendrocytes), which causes an autoimmune response against myelin. The findings come from researchers at the University of Chicago and Northwestern Medicine who developed novel mouse models to conduct their study. The researchers found that the death of oligodendrocytes initiates an autoimmune response here to read more

Autoimmune brain disorder tied to Zika virus

The Zika virus, which is spreading across Brazil and the world, may be linked to an autoimmune brain disorder, according to new findings. The researchers suggest this autoimmune brain disorder is similar to multiple sclerosis. So far, Zika virus is already tied to a birth defect known as microcephaly and Guillain-Barre syndrome. The autoimmune brain here to read more

Rheumatoid arthritis and brain fog, memory loss connection

Rheumatoid arthritis is connected to brain fog and memory loss. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is commonly associated with joint inflammation, joint pain, stiffness, and impaired mobility, but many patients experience alternative symptoms such as brain fog or memory loss. They may find themselves being forgetful at times or having difficulty thinking. Brain fog isn’t a medically here to read more
