Search Results for: diets


Why You Should Eat More Mangoes

Mangoes are a delicious fruit, which can be eaten on their own, added to smoothies, or frozen and be served as a delightful summertime treat. But aside from them being delicious, mangoes are also really good for your heart. The latest research findings suggest that consuming mangoes can help relax blood vessels within two hours’ here to read more

Is Your Diet Hurting Your Libido?

There are many factors that come into play when it comes to libido, with diet being a big one. This is because diet plays a role in overall health and poor health can hinder your libido. When you eat well, you can have healthy blood circulation, which is needed for sexual organs to work, a here to read more

Are You Taking the Right Medication?

Heart disease cases continue to grow, even though there is much evidence to support that living a healthy lifestyle may reduce your risk of heart disease. One measure that is often recommended to moderate heart disease and reduce stroke risk is taking an aspirin a day, alongside statins and blood-regulating medications. New research findings from here to read more

Is Too Much Protein Bad for the Heart?

There is a trend in the diet world of increasing your intake of protein and reducing your intake of carbohydrates. At first, this style of eating can lead to drastic weight loss, but is it safe? A new study finds that high protein diets can increase the risk of heart failure among middle-aged men. The here to read more

Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Although there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, diet can play a role in controlling inflammation and offering relief from symptoms. Ideally, RA patients should eat a well-balanced healthy diet that offers a wide variety of nutrients and vitamins in order to support overall good health. Generally, RA patients are considered to be at a here to read more

Why You Should Eat More Eggs

The debate on eggs and health has been going on for a while. One minute they’re unhealthy as they increase cholesterol levels, while other studies have suggested they are unhealthy for diabetics. But researchers at the University of Sydney have come to answer. The study found that consuming up to a dozen eggs a week here to read more


Are You Getting Enough Protein?

Protein is a building block for strong muscles, and strong muscles are important at every age. If you aren’t getting enough protein, then your muscles can waste away and not be able to repair. There are many trendy diets that are promoting high protein and low carbohydrates, but is there such a thing as too here to read more

How the Western Diet May Actually Be Beneficial

The Western diet is typically bashed for being high in fat, processed foods, and an unhealthy way of eating as it can contribute to obesity. But there may be an underlying benefit to eating in this way. Researchers at Midwestern University studied the Western diet closely and discovered that it can promote bacterial growth in here to read more

Is This the Key to Strong Muscles?

The importance of maintaining strong muscles as you age can’t be stressed enough. Having strong muscles helps support your bones, which translates to a reduced risk of injury. But for many seniors, building and maintaining muscle is difficult. It’s suggested that one way to increase muscles is to take amino acid supplements. Amino acids are here to read more

Is Too Much Protein Bad for Your Bones?

There’s a big trend in eating that recommends you eat a high protein diet. Although this may be a good way to eat for weight loss, it may have detrimental effects on your bones. It has been long hypothesized that too much protein may be dangerous for overall health. Some consequences of a high protein here to read more
