Search Results for: Health


Food Can Help Improve, Or Hinder, Blood Flow

There’s no doubt that diet plays a role in your health and risk for illness. Some diets can make you sick, while others can keep you healthy. It’s not even necessarily about “diets” per se, but rather how and what you eat. For example, eating a lot of processed foods can damage your body and here to read more

Balance = Strong Body + Sharp Brain

The risk goes way up for falls and fractures the older a person gets. You may have seen a friend or family member go down, suffer a major break, and alter their lives forever. Balance may have been something you took for granted in the past, but that changes with age. The older you get, here to read more

Your Vision Troubles Might Not Be What You Think

With age, vision can get a little dicey. And it’s not always blurriness or things getting smaller. But sometimes it’s an inability to react. Age can reduce hand-eye coordination and lead you to believe that your eyes are failing you, while it could just be that your reaction time has slowed down. Your brain is here to read more

Handling That Pain in Your Neck

I get it. Your kids and neighbors can get on your case and be a real pain in the neck. Sometimes real neck pain can hit too. Maybe it even started hurting when you were handling the living, breathing neck pains. Connecting your head and torso is a collection of vertebrae that make up your here to read more


Does Free Time Really Make a Person Happier?

There’s no doubt that not having enough time can lead to stress and anxiety. It’s easy to feel trapped under the pressure and lose your sense of self and what’s important. But new research has found that the opposite can be true too. Too much free time may diminish the sense of well-being, potentially creating here to read more

Consistency Is Key for Strong Muscles

If you want to get stronger to stay independent, reduce the risk of injury, and boost your quality of life, it’s important to keep one thing in mind: consistency. Being consistent is the only way to achieve strong, healthy muscles. That means exercising multiple times per week and ensuring you’re regularly giving your body what here to read more

Napping Might Not Be All Good

In many parts of the world, napping was a part of daily life. Although the cultural practice of daytime naps may be dwindling, they are still quite common across the globe. Even in the United States, where daytime naps can be frowned on, the National Sleep Foundation estimated up to one-third of people take them. here to read more
