Search Results for: brain


Defeat aging with this fruit

The quest for the elixir of eternal youth has been occupying the minds of doctors and scientists for centuries. Alchemists were looking to formulate the perfect potion that would cure diseases and prolong life. The Hindu scriptures tell us about Amrita, the sweet-tasting nectar of immortality. In ancient China, emperors would send off their medics here to read more

Secret to good gut health

What once was the body’s most ignored organ is now in the limelight, and for a good reason: it does much more than simply digesting food, absorbing nutrients, and eliminating waste products. Studies reveal the gut’s significant contribution to our body’s immune responses, and the brain-gut connection is one of the fastest growing areas of here to read more


Potential new treatment for PTSD using common antibiotic

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental disorder affecting hundreds and thousands of individuals around the world every day and develops after a person is exposed to a traumatic event like sexual assault, warfare, or even traffic collisions. The lives of these individuals can be severely impacted by this condition, leaving them in a constant here to read more

Upwards trend in rate of cancer survival

Cancer is often associated with both emotional and financial strain for those diagnosed with it and for their families. However, the overall cancer death rates in the United States have been seeing a downward trend, but racial gaps still do exist, according to a new report. Between 2010 and 2014, death rates fell for 11 here to read more

Common foods that raise your blood pressure level

Living with high blood pressure (hypertension) can be a hassle to deal with. A major contributor to our blood pressure is diet. Once we become accustomed to a certain diet, we find it hard to adjust. However, we eventually need to swap out the food that increases blood pressure, as over time, high blood pressure here to read more
